
New careers in The Sims 4 announced!!

Monday, March 31, 2014 - 23:39

EA has announced the first career of The Sims 4 in a tweet:

SimGuruNoppy: New career in The Sims 4: Pooper Scooper!

The career will feature a track from poopy bagger to scooper to CEO of Scoopy Industries.

What's special about the track is that only low-wealth Sims will be allowed to enter. Anyone with an education will be deemed too expensive to even enter the track, leaving those poor Sims to only have career choices like Burger Flipper at FlipCo Inc., or IT Helpdesk in the basement of Local Bakeries Ltd.

I can't wait to hear more about the careers in The Sims 4! :D

EDIT: Well you probably already guessed it (though some people did fall for it, I hope you can take a joke Wink ) IT'S APRIL FOOLS' DAY GUYS!! EA announced no such thing, though we did try to keep in some Maxis style humour. Hope you had a good laugh about it! We sure did! :D


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