Story Box Challenge - November 2019

The Story Box Challenge is one where we give you a family and their stuff. Your task: build them a nice home.
The Family
This month, meet Carmen Murillo, Zander Varner and Luke Fallon - a.k.a. "The Society". They're at university, but looking for new headquarters to run their (secret) society from. The three friends want to make sure they can keep an eye on things, so they'll want to live there too.
Carmen is a first class student: very ambitious, very smart and therefore she has no problems getting good grades. Homework takes her no time, which means she had plenty left to find some legal loopholes to her benefit. The society spotted these skills and took her in very quickly. When she's not busy using her brain, she loves to go out dining - but won't eat a bite until she's simstagrammed some pictures.
Zander is very materialistic, and simply wants to get rich quick. He's very confident and as such easily talked his way into the society. He'd like to become a business tycoon and doesn't care if it's at the cost of others. Back in high school he frequently stole the teacher's crayons just for the kick of it, severely disrupting his classes.
Finally there's Luke. Nobody's really sure how this family-man-to-be got into the society. He probably just stumbled in at some point, goofed around a little and was let in the club as comic relief. He's really just looking for the right person to eventually settle down with.
The three got some funds and loans to buy a new headquarters. Can you provide them a good place to live and run their "business" from?
The Challenge
From the Sims 4 Gallery, download the Society Household and the SNW Story Box 5 - 1119 room. You can also find them by EA ID SimsNetwork.
- Pick any empty lot in any world, and move in the family. Enter the lot (in live mode!) and pause the game.
- Enter the cheat (Ctrl+Shift+C) 'money 300000' to set the family's budget (that's §300k).
- Now place the SNW Story Box 5 - 1119 room from the gallery. You'll lose roughly §9k, leaving you with somewhere around §291k to complete the challenge.
- Start building!
- Make sure to use all the society's items. The guys don't want anything to go missing! (yes, even the weird stuff)
- Upload the lot to the gallery before November 22nd. Make sure to use hashtags #SNWStoryBox and #StoryBox1119 so we can find your entry!
The Rules
This challenge is about building the society a nice home. Feel free to use the household to continue their story - but we will focus on the homes that you come up with. The following rules apply:
- The total budget, excluding the empty lot but including the required items, is limited to §300,000. Remember to first place the family in an empty lot, then place the room inside it.
- You're free to pick ANY lot in ANY world, no matter how large or small. The base lot is the smallest available, so that should fit anywhere. Make sure you place it as furnished.
- You can use all expansion, game or stuff packs that you own. That includes the Discover University expansion pack, which is released during this challenge. This is not required though, and you're free to even stick to just base game stuff.
- NO custom content, except if it's from SNW (
- ALL items in the box must be used, including those on the wall and ceiling. The items must also remain accessible. Wallpapers and floor tiles are not required.
- Duplicating items or adding more stuff IS allowed. Removing items which were originally in the basement is NOT allowed.
- Changing the colors/design/size of an item in the room is NOT allowed.
- Don't forget to name your lot.
- Entries must be uploaded to the Sims 4 gallery using both hashtags #SNWstorybox and #StoryBox1119.
- Deadline: November 22nd, 2019.
Questions? Watch the instructions video (coming very soon), or get in touch through Twitter or Facebook!
We'll showcase a selection of the entries in a Twitch live stream at on November 23rd, 21:30 CET. Missed the showcase? The VOD will be available on Twitch after the stream has ended, and we'll also upload the full video to our More SNW channel on YouTube.
Thanks, and have fun!