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Reply to: The Sims 3 Showtime Hands-on Preview #2
:woot: wowwww your preview is absolutly fantastic! you really did a great job!!! I want this expansion pack so baddd!!!! and the magician career is my favourite! so thanks for this! a lot of greetings from Spain!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff trailer
That's fine, just grab the embed code
Reply to: The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff trailer
That's great video. Would you mind it if I put this video on my website? :unsure:
Reply to: The Sims 3 - Master Suite Stuff Review
Thank you!
I will be hoping and wishing for you that your package with your Sim items will arrive soon. -
Reply to: The Sims 3 - Master Suite Stuff Review
I love the review Patricia! Cool screenshots as well. Now I'm really looking forward to this stuff pack. Only a few more weeks... having it shipped along with the new Sims mouse so I'm trying to be patient haha.
Awesome job!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
I didn't get the red insert either...
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
I love your blog, your always so early with all the new stuff
Im in here a lot, but i kinda feel sorry for all the simmers who don't know about your blog, SO
maybe you would be an angel and publish some of your stuff on the sims wiki? know they only have a tiny tiny bit about potions, and nothing on any of the objects here, and it's a shame for everyone who doesn't come in here and misses out.. Pleeeease?
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
... im really excited for this game ... i was already excited but seeing this makes me sure im going to buy it now ... i do think it sucks that all the rabbit holes look the same but i can understand it and its kinda cool ... as for the animals and such, i think it could just show that sims were able to clone and let the creatures into the wild, because they might have wanted animals on their planet ...
the only thing i don't like is the taxis and school busses, figured if you were on a different planet the transportation didn't have to be the same old boring stuff...
But all-in-all im still gonna get it ... thanks for the tour!!!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
When this happens to me I have to connect to the internet and then click on the Sims 3 again. It usually works.
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
What a fantastic review! I really enjoyed every aspect of it but your pictures are amazing and I love how you put the info up of each family. Great job, you did an excellent job and if I hadn't already bought Lunar Lakes this review would have convinced me to purchase it. Thank you for all the work you put into this review I always enjoy anything you post you are very talented in your writing. I always learn things from you whenever I read something that you have posted. Again Thank you.
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
Thanks all for the nice comments! I'm glad you liked it and happy I am able to convince people to buy this world. It's quite a beauty. Maybe someone in the community will be able to make duplicate buildings with logos on them or whatever? My own idea for now was to edit the lots and add some specific items to clarify what kind of building it is. Maybe even with floor tiles?
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
@Julia, I hadn't thought about the animal factor for ppl with the Pets EP, Thats a good point! Shame no modder could make a more specific type of spawner to like only let Pets with certain features or colors spawn! oh well maybe in the future?
But Yes this is an amazing guide and neighborhood, I can understand the Rabbit holes in the story like, At least in my head, Like everything is so Science important and the scientist would be like gods so they get the Big building and funds to make it while everyone else gets the underground cheap things!
Hehe Anyway again awesome guide and Keep up the previews! Its worth it!
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
:balloons: Wowza, you have a lot of screenshots for us to get a details look at Lunar Lake before any purchase's decision. I kinda like the futuristic architecture, world terrain/structure and pattern mix of the house in Lunar Lake. The portal effect on rabbithole is cool but I agree that the logo thing should be added, I'm a little bit disappointed with no-alien-in-spacey-world thing, but overall, it's still a great world.
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
Hmm... I do like this world, the only thing (except from the money) that stops me buying it is those rabbitholes. I mean, I hate them! Sorry, but they all look the same, the school, the shops and I hate it!
The other thing is that you lose this feeling of being on an other planet when a taxi will come and pick you up, and deers running around with raccoons everywhere. + all the dogs and cats and horses. It's just not the same thing...
But a very nice review!
Reply to: Lunar Lakes review!
What an amazing guide! I wasn't even thinking about getting this but I think your guide just changed my mind! Thank you for all of the details and photos!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
i can't find the red insert in mine. Is it possible it didn't come with the disk?
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
i bought the sims3 plus, it was a mistake, not knowing i only needed the pets, instead of takeing it back i desided to give the sims3 part of to a friens, and i installed the pets, no problem, but i cant install the exclusive package, WHY? can this be fixed, or can i uninstall the pet and get a nother one, and all codes will be able to be install again, on my friends computer, PLESE HELP!!!!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
i bough the sims3 plus, because i already have the sims3 i wanted to give the new one to a friend, and install only the pets, no problem, but i ca'nt get the exclusive edition content, why? and can it be fixed, if not, can i uninstall, the pets, and reinstall a new one, can you help me?
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
Sims Online? Sims Online has been offline for ages... Do you mean The Sims Social? You only need a Facebook account for that.
If you mean an account on SNW (this site) let me know. We are having some issues with registration and logging in. Also a lot of spammers so we have registration on approval right now. If you need me to help you with that, I'll be glad to!
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
This aint bout the pets but... well, you see the website where you sign up for sims online doesn't work for me. What I am saying is that, whenever I click then button to make my account, it redirects back to the page where you fill in the details and i try to put in my email and my password but it never works!
I REALLY wanna have an account so PLEASE tell me what you think is/I am doing wrong! IT WILL BE A HUGE HELP! And if your suggestion works, my name is gonna be DressedInPurple! THANKZ!
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Awww too bad. I was surprised to read it but happy at least something got fixed. No fix then huh.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Just to say, the More Magic Set does not fix the Spellbook so if it was fixed, it was something else you did. Some have even gotten worse, like gettiing the jumping/resetting bit.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Thanks! And I get what you're saying, but it does add new gameplay, so they are not just plain objects like the usual sets. Also, I meant there is a discount now, so it's only 1850 now, rather than the 2200 it will be after February 9.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Nice review and screenshots, but... ONLY 1850?! That's something like $18.50! For 12 objects! :doh:
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Okay thanks for letting us know, this is good news.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
I own Hidden Springs and have it installed and some how the More Magic Set fixs the Spellbook.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
I own Hidden Springs, but when I reviewed Hidden Springs I did not have the spell book. I only bought the spell book yesterday to try it out with the new Magic set. I have heard about the hidden springs/spell book issue and I don't know how to solve that. Right now I don't have Hidden Springs installed. If that answers your question...
I'm on a Mac now. Mac users have even worse problems. No video or screenshots possible so had to take screens with a Mac function rather than the in-game press C function. So yeah, lame with all the bugs.
Reply to: More Magic! premium content - REVIEW!
Hello cool looks that you arent having any problem weel i do but anyway i just want to know the F*** your spellbooks works ...have you use any mod or what kind of computerdo you have and my last question if you have install hidden springs so cool post
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
I'm confused now. In the first part I read that you are able to start The Sims 3 Pets, but not The Sims 3. And then later on it seems you are unable to start either one of them? Please clarify?
I don't have this Sims 3 Plus Pets version myself so I need to know something: does this combination have one disc for both games, or does it have a disc for each game?
As for the game being Sims 3 Pets rather than Sims 3: this is completely normal. You can only start the base game if you only have that one installed. As soon as you buy and install an expansion, you will have to use the icon for that pack for the game to start. The base game just gets all the new stuff added to it, so there is no Sims 3 game left without any Pets items once you have installed Pets. I hope this makes sense!
Basically: just use the pets icon to start your game. Throw the (shortcut) for the base game in the bin.
Reply to: The Sims 3 Plus Pets registration code issues!
I recently bought the Sims3 plus pets well i installed them both and it only allows me to play Sims3 Pets not Sims 3........ Im not really sure how to fix this.. I have a icon for both of them on my laptop but no matter which one i click on when i hit play it says please enter sims 3 pets even if i have the sims 3 disk in... Help.. Please..