
News Archive - February, 2004

Hello Everyone!

We have had another exciting week here at Maxis. Winter still has its grips on us, but we are starting to feel the call of Spring and the promise of romance that's in the air.

In The Sims 2 you can find love for your Sims in many exciting ways and surprising places. This telling filmstrip depicts a lonely woman looking for love and finding it right in front of her observant eyes. Watch as she gazes through the telescope to spy on the handsome guy next door before she makes her move. Take a look for yourself here:

After poring through stories of dates dripping with romance and others tainted with disaster, we've selected the winners of the "Great Dates And Dates To Hate" Valentines Day contest.

Find out who won!

The New and Improved The Sims Online experience gives you and your friends more of your favorite characters and interaction. Download the free trial at!

GameSpy is running a competition for the greatest game of all time! It's The Sims vs. SimCity 2000 in the first round. Voting ends at noon PST Friday, February 27, so act now!

Get your vote on!

Art Directors Bob King and Dave Patch join us in chat today to tell us about being an artist in the game industry.

Read the transcripts!

Have you ever kissed up someone's arm? Or maybe put a tender kiss on their cheek? Find out how Sims work their magic!

Go To Screenshots

Hello Everyone!

After the big news about Maxis moving last week and a fun Valentine weekend we are back to the grindstone on The Sims 2.

The old adage that clothes make the person may be true, but living spaces speak volumes about an individual as well. For The Sims 2, we're going out of our way to ensure that fans of the game have the power to create interiors that perfectly capture the mood, taste, and persona of the Sims who live there.

Maxis Kitty tells us how she selects the Maxis Pick each week.

Tell Me About It!

4 new slices of life have been added to the screenshots area. Becoming wealthy sure does pay off!

Show Me The Good Life!



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