
Results Style contest

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 23:10

Which 10 Sims have won the Style contest, and have a chance to win the contest and have their outfit included in the eventual expanion The Sims 2 Nightlife?

The winners of this contest are:

  • Patricia M. from Delft
  • Anita van D. from Wanssum
  • Corinne A. from Den Haag
  • Leonie ten B. from Boxmeer
  • Marloes S. from Rijswijk
  • Nina R.
  • Danny S. from Den Haag
  • Rianne de R. from Apeldoorn
  • Geertje B. from 's Gravenzande
  • Danielle S.

Winners: Congratulations!

The winning outfits can be seen in the Sims screensaver. We'll also offer the outfits as downloads soon.

Don't have the screensaver yet? You can download it here.

All winners have won a copy of "The Sims 2 Nightlife", signed by the entire team at Maxis! This prize will be on its way once the game is in stores.

Besides this prize, there is a chance one of the outfits will be picked to be included in the next expansion pack.


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