
Pet Training Paper Issue II

Friday, September 22, 2006 - 23:00
<blockquote>The latest issue of the Pet Training Paper is here. <a href="">Check It Out!</a></blockquote> <!--break--> <hr /> <div style="background-color: #60AFCE; color: #000066; width: 680px; padding:10px;"> <h3 style="color: #FFFFFF;">The Sims 2 Pets Training Paper</h3> <p><img style="float: left;" src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Issue II</strong><br /> Welcome back to The Sims 2 Pets Training Paper! In this issue we'll cover the ways that you can train, play with, and love your new Sim pets to help them fit right in with their new Sim family.</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div style="float: left; width: 320px; padding: 10px;"> <p><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></p> <p><strong>Learned or Reinforced Behaviors</strong><br /> Start with the basics. There is no point trying to teach Prince to play dead if he isn't even potty-trained. Teaching Sim pets acceptable behaviors is the first step in helping them get along with their Sim families. These behaviors include where to relieve their bladders, what foods to eat, and more.</p> <p><strong>Just Say No</strong><br /> When Sim pets are up to no good (digging in the yard or chewing on something that they shouldn't), your Sims have the option to scold their pet. No pet loves to be chastised, so a few firm words can go a long way toward teaching Sim pets the manners they need to get along in their Sim families. Make sure your Sims praise their pets for good behavior to balance out the necessary reprimands and their relationships will benefit in the long run.</p> <p><strong>Take It Outside!</strong><br /> Encourage your Sim pup to piddle outside. Your Sims might still have a puddle to clean up, but if the pet chooses the sidewalk as their preferred spot, it will be much better than inside on your Sims' living room carpet.</p> <p><strong>Bad Dog?</strong><br /> If your Sims reinforce certain pet behaviors (like digging in the yard or sleeping on the bed) by praising the pet for these actions, the pet will repeat these acts. If a pet has been encouraged to behave a certain way (or wasn't discouraged either!), they aren't misbehaving. There is no such thing as a Bad Dog, only one that wasn't trained properly.</p> <p><a href="internal:sites/" rel="lightbox"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></a></p> <p><strong>Tricks for Treats</strong><br /> Your pets can also learn to perform tricks for the amusement of both Sims and pets alike. Spend enough time teaching kitty to dance and your Sim may have the next feline Baryshnikov. Pets can also be taught to play dead, shake, sit up, roll over, speak, and more.</p> <p><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></p> <p>Pets love to play! Make sure that your Sims provide them with plenty of toys to keep them entertained--or else they might resort to making their own games out of less acceptable items! Rubber chew bones, catnip mice, and other pets can all help keep your animal pals amused.</p> <p><strong>Take a Walk</strong><br /> A leisurely stroll around the neighborhood is a good way to spend time with both cats and dogs. Hit the pavement for some fresh air and exercise!</p> <p><strong>Fetch!</strong><br /> Not all dogs are as taken with this game, and you won't find a feline who is fond of fetching, but some dogs will chase a stick for hours on end. Enjoy quality pet time by engaging in this tried-and-true activity with a dog chum.</p> <p><strong>Razzle</strong><br /> Playing with pets is a good way for your Sim to increase it's relationship with it's furry friend.</p> <p><strong>Plays Nicely with Others</strong><br /> While some animals enjoy nothing more than a frolicsome romp, others approach life in a more dignified manner. Keep an eye out for pets whose playfulness is incompatible. If Mushroom is more inclined to play than Minty, he might make a nuisance of himself with his rambunctious invitations.</p> <p><a href="internal:sites/" rel="lightbox"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></a></p> <p><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></p> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Chartreux</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This wide-eyed, wooly coated feline's rounded, smiling face gives it the appearance of perpetual peace and happiness.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Norwegian Forest</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">With its long, fluffy coat, this breed is well-suited for the coldest climates. It has a colorful history that includes guarding Vikings' stored grain both on land and at sea.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Ocicat</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">Seeing spots? You are if you're looking at this sturdy and athletic breed. An intelligent and devoted cat, the Ocicat comes in many different colors.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Russian Blue</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">With its velvety blue coat, emerald green eyes, and lithe body type, this cat is the epitome of feline grace.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Scottish Fold</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">Medium-sized with round eyes, this cat's most distinctive features are its ears which fold over toward the front of its face.</div></div> </div> <div style="float: left; width: 320px; padding: 10px;"> <p><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></p> <p>Caring for their pet is one of the best ways your Sim can show their love for their four-footed friend. In addition to providing for their pet's basic needs, Sims can get their pet's tail wagging in a variety of ways, some of which are listed below.</p> <div style="clear:both;"><strong>Stroke</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">From the top of its furry little head to the tip of its frisky tail, stroking your pet's fur can elicit purrs (or sighs) of satisfaction.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><strong>Rub Belly</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">Nothing hits Spot in the right spot like a good belly rub (dogs only).</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><strong>Hug</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">A warm embrace lets Sim pets know that they're the favorite feline (cats only).</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><strong>Treats</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">Talk to the tummy--or is it the tongue? Nothing says "I love you" to a pet more clearly than a little something to eat.</div></div> <p style="clear:both;"><strong>Puppy (and Kitten) Love</strong><br /> Positive interactions with a new pup or kitten are vital to establishing a solid long-term relationship. Shower newborns with affection by snuggling them and you'll be on your way to a lifetime of love.</p> <p><strong>For the Birds*</strong><br /> If your Sims have a pet bird, they can teach it to talk (for which they gain charisma skill points), play with it, and carry it (which is especially nice if your Sim has a penchant for playing pirate). <span style="font-size: 85%; font-style: italic;">*Birds are featured in the PC Expansion Pack only</span></p> <p class="float-right"><a href="internal:sites/" rel="lightbox"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></a></p> <p><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /></p> <p>We've done our best to work in all of your favorite pet flavors. Here is another look at some more of the breeds we've got in store for you and your Sims.</p> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Akita</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This breed, with its robust body and notoriously good nature, signifies health, happiness, and a long life in its native Japan.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Basenji</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">A small, shorthaired hunting dog from Africa, the Basenji is one of the oldest known breeds.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Chihuahua</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This handful of a dog originated in Mexico and may have made his first appearance in Europe thanks to the travels of Christopher Columbus.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>English Bulldog</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">The name bulldog is derived from this breed's history as bull baiters, but its character has changed considerably since then and is now prized for being pacific, equable, and kind.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>French Bulldog</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">It is thanks to American influence that this little, muscular dog kept its distinguished bat-like ears. If not for that, it would look more like a smaller version of the English bulldog.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>German Shepard</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">A hugely popular breed, this large, agile, and courageous dog is well-suited for police work and also makes a good guide or guard dog.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Great Dane</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This giant of a dog claims German, rather than Danish, roots and, in spite of its intimidating size, is usually very gentle.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Jack Russell Terrier</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This small but spirited dog was originally bred by the Reverend John Russell for fox hunting in Devonshire, England.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Schipperke</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">Schipperke is Flemish for "little captain" and evokes this breed's reputation as the consummate boat dog.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Shiba Inu</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">The smallest of native Japanese dogs, this breed was officially recognized in December 1936, when the Cultural Properties Act designated it as a precious natural product of the Japanese nation.</div></div> <div style="clear:both;"><img src="internal:sites/" alt="The Sims 2 Pets" /><strong>Weimaraner</strong><div style="width: 180px; float: right;">This relatively young breed, characterized by grace and speed, was originally bred for its hunting ability.</div></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>


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