

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 21:42

Hi, I'm La Shawn (otherwise known as Rain) and I am the producer for the town of Riverview. Riverview is a seemingly sleepy little town that gives you a whole new neighborhood full of intriguing Sims to play with, new places to visit and new items to experience that can't be found in Sunset Valley. Riverview can be downloaded for free from The after registering your game.

One of my favorite parts of Riverview is the families your Sims can meet there. Each family has an interesting history and secrets that you can uncover.

Hannah Jones and her husband, Aiden, recently moved into the Remington house (you know, the scary house on the hill from many a dark tale). The previous occupants, Hanna's cousins, were victims of a long string of unfortunate events, leaving Hanna the only living relative to inherit the beautiful, albeit strangely built, mansion. One of the Jones's biggest problems is that the previous occupants are still busy occupying!

Robert and Mags Newbie moved to Riverview along with their teenage son, Bob. Bob had a hard time adjusting to the move, but he's found a new best friend to occupy his time.

The Broke family has their roots in the more rustic area of town. If you've played The Sims 2 you'll have a very interesting time telling this story. (Hint: You'll have to Skip twice for it to work.)

The Lin sisters don't get along and are both very stubborn. When they inherited their parents' old house, the only thing they could agree on is that they would each get their own half. They went about remodeling their halves without consulting each other which resulted in quite an… aesthetically interesting design.

The Shallow's and the Grisby's live next door to each other, but couldn't be more different. The cold and callous Shallow family may be pleasing to the eye, but I don't know if there is a house big enough to actually hold all of their egos. The Grisby's, on the other hand, are kind, loving and happy, but tend to be the butt of everyone's jokes due to their rather "unique" assets.

There are many interesting things to do in Riverview such as head down to the local, self-serve saloon, The Water Hole, for a cool glass of delicious juice; collect gems and metal out near the abandoned mine; or head to Simhenge to catch beautiful butterflies.

You can also visit the local Fish Hatchery that, because of an overabundance of fish, allows Riverview residents to catch the saltwater fish that can't be found in other places in the lakes and rivers. Teens like to grab a portable stereo and dance the night away at "All the Rave Warehouse."

Once you download Riverview there are a bunch of new decorative objects that you can place to give your town that down home, country feel. Some of these include: an old boat that has seen better days, a scarecrow to place in your Sims' prized gardens, and some charming and more provincial looking buildings, as well as a large number of decorative features to place in and around your home.

Riverview is a beautiful and interesting town just waiting for its story to be told! Download the town for free when The Sims 3 comes out in June.




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