
News Archive - 2011

There won't be a Darkspore beta this weekend. But not to worry, more betas will follow in the next couple of weeks:

The beta is closed this weekend, but we're setting new beta dates right now. We'll post them as soon as we can. Can't wait to play with you!

Today, the Darkspore team announced a change in release date:

We're moving the Darkspore release date to April 26... and we're going to have more betas!

On the bright side, we will get more betas! :D

Thank you all for participating in this week's Subscriber Giveaway! We saw a big response from our fans and decided to pick 9 recipients instead of 5 because of your continued support. Remember to check our channel often for more giveaways. To see the list of random recipients, go to our Youtube homepage.

Check to see if you were selected now!

Hey Medieval Simmers! Check out the world premier of The Sims Medieval TV commercial!

Sims International Film Festival

Sims International Film Festival is back for Spring 2011! Attend the biggest community-created The Sims Machinima event of the season from the comfort of your home.

We are hosting another giveaway this week! Subscribe to our channel and leave a channel comment for a chance to receive this Nostalgia Package:

Find out more about Quests in The Sims Medieval!

Go to the website!

Check out the new Outtakes video from The Sims Medieval commercial shoot!

Every Friday you can win awesome goodies through the #eafreebeefriday giveaway on Twitter. This week we'll give away from cool Sims prizes, so don't miss out! How to join? It's easy. Follow EA_Benelux on Twitter, retweet the giveaway and give us the correct answer.

The giveaway starts every Friday around 2pm (local standard time - GMT+1), so join in on the fun!

Follow EA_Benelux Twitter account.



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