We're back! Sort of...

I have no idea where to start, and I don't want to make this a long post so I'll keep it short and happy...
SNW is back!
The server crash caused the website to be gone for 2 months. That's something I never want to experience again! The temporary site was a burden to be honest. And at times so was re-building the new website. But it's up and running now - sort of. And I hope you all like the new look and the new layout of things.
It's not quite done... meaning I have plenty of old and new content to add, both on the news sections and in Simpedia. I also have to re-add the old downloads and I have a bunch of reviews to write. Errr. Luckily Cheetah and Mari offered to help with the reviews.
I would like to call the website "beta" as there will be things that aren't working properly and there are still things missing. We're still working on the site so please bare with us as we try to make it better!
If something isn't working for you, please let me know. We have a contact form, a Twitter account and a Facebook page. The comments below our news posts should work as well. Plenty of ways to contact us!
I want to add a special thank you for Cheetah who has been a tremendous help working on the new website. <3