
Oscar Selfie - Sims Style!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 22:02

Maybe you've watched the Oscars, maybe you didn't. I myself only saw some epic pictures on social media. One of those was the selfie with Ellen DeGeneres and many other celebrities. I thought that was pretty cool on its own:

If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars


The Sims Studio made it even cooler. They tweeted this "selfie" recreated in The Sims 3:

@TheEllenShow You’re right, best photo ever. #TheSims


Now that is cool. Happy

Lately there have been lots of "recreations" of a lot of things related to The Sims. It's hard to keep up to be honest! But if you find anything worth sharing, feel free to tweet me @SNW, or post something on the SNW FB page wall!


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