
Health issues / pregnancy complications

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 - 18:20

Normally I would post this message on the blog, rather than the news section. But I also realise that most people probably don't actively follow the blog. Hence the decision to post it here instead.

Some of you may know that my partner tszcheetah and I have been expecting our third baby since shortly after we got married in May. I kept in mind that I had pre-eclampsia during my previous pregnancy, and chances were that I would be suffering from this again in another pregnancy, but this wasn't set in stone. Now fortunately as far as we know I'm not currently suffering from pre-eclampsia. But I am being monitored closely. And I'm experiencing a lot of pain (and pain attacks) and complications in this pregnancy, leaving me unable to work on anything that has anything to do with my computer. This includes my job and unfortunately also SNW. I'm mostly on bed rest, so I'm either on the sofa or in bed. I hate that I'm not able to do anything. But I'm mostly in and out of the hospital at the moment, for regular appointments, but also for tests and what not. I'm really tired and ill, and with only 4 weeks to go until the due date, I'm just not very active at the moment. And I wanted to let you all know. As always I will still be back, the moment my health allows me to work at my PC again.

There's a small chance I will work on the site (Laundry Day stuff pack article and perhaps a video) later this week, seeing as we purchased a Steam Link device, so I can use my games whilst in the living room. I have yet to try this out, but I'm eager to do so. I miss playing The Sims (or any other game for that matter!)

I would also like to point out that because of my health issues and my due date being in less than 4 weeks (I'm due on my birthday, Feb 10), we are likely to be very slow responding to messages and comments regarding the website and the Graphics Rules Maker. Especially since my husband is also ill at the moment, and he's the one behind the Graphics Rules Maker tool. We will get back to your messages when we are feeling better. Thank you so much for reading and understanding.

Love xoxo ♥



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