
Sims News

6 Oct 2008 - 23:00

Check out The Sims 2 Store for the latest items from The Sims 2 FreeTime!

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6 Oct 2008 - 23:00

Check out The Sims 2 Store for the latest items from The Sims 2 FreeTime!

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25 Sep 2008 - 23:00

Hot newcomer Katy Perry adds sizzle to The Sims 2 Apartment Life soundtrack with a Simlish version of her latest single "Hot N Cold".

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25 Sep 2008 - 23:00

Hot newcomer Katy Perry adds sizzle to The Sims 2 Apartment Life soundtrack with a Simlish version of her latest single "Hot N Cold".

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19 Sep 2008 - 00:19

I got a mail from Caryl Shaw about Online Accounts.

Lucy and I made a post to the Spore forums and I wanted to share the
information more broadly since I assume you all are seeing this issue
out there in your communities.

I'm trying to answer questions within the forum post so the information
can be shared.

Thank you all for your continued support - and we hope you are having
fun with the game.

- Caryl

You can read the forum post by clicking on Read More, as I included it in this news post. You can also read it on the official Spore forum by clicking here.

Hi Spore Players,

First, we want to thank you for your responses and feedback to my posting from Friday regarding Online Accounts and clarifying how things work. We’re listening and we want to announce some changes that we are making based on your feedback.

We are going to add the ability to have multiple Spore Screen Names for any one Spore Online Account. Here’s how this will work: for each copy of Spore that you have purchased, you will be able to have one Spore Online Account, just as it is now. However, we will be adding the ability to have five Spore Screen Names for that account. When you launch Spore, you will be able to log in with any of those Screen Names.

The content that is made and the MySpore Page will be associated with the logged in Screen Name for that account. Each Screen Name will be able to view and create content, Buddy Lists and Sporecasts that will be tied to that Screen Name. The Achievements earned will be credited to the Screen Name that is logged in at the time the Achievement is triggered. In the first iteration of this change, all Screen Names will be playing in the same Galaxy and any content downloaded by any Screen Name will be available in the Everything section.

We will be putting the ability to add Screen Names to a Spore Online Account on our website. If you already have the game, and want to add new Screen Names to your account you will be able to do so there.

We felt that this was a good step in the right direction to begin to respond to the feedback you have given us and evolve Spore (not with an extra set of arms in this case but definitely using our DNA points for the better good). We are aggressively working on this now; we will get back to you with more information on timing as soon as possible.


10 Sep 2008 - 18:24

EA has emailed me about DRM in Spore to explain what it is and why they are implementing this in Spore. A lot of questions get answered so it's a good read.

It's pretty long so I've added it to the Read More below.

There has been a lot of discussion about the DRM in Spore, and the team at EA and Maxis wanted clarify how the system works, and why it’s in place.

Our system works just like online music services that limit the number of machines you can play a song on. This system is an effort to control piracy.

You can install the game on three computers – at your office, at home or for your family. What you can’t do is make and distribute a thousand copies online.

If you feel like your situation presents special circumstances, contact our customer service and we’ll talk through it with you.

Q: How will Digital Rights Management (DRM) work with Spore and Spore Creature Creator?
A: The DRM solution implemented for the Spore and Spore Creature Creator changes copy protection from being key-disc based, which requires authentication every time you play the game by requiring a disc in the drive, to a one-time online authentication. This system has the added benefit of allowing you to seamlessly play your game without requiring the game disc in the drive.

  • This system allows you to authenticate your game on three computers with the purchase of one disc. EA Customer Service is on hand to supply any additional authorizations that are warranted. This will be done on a case-by-case basis by contacting Customer Support.
  • Games are authorized to your machine when you first install and launch the game.
  • We've all had those times when the discs get lost or scratched, and you can't play a game you've bought because you need a working disc in the drive. With this new system, players will no longer need the disc to play the game, but can instead simply retain the disc as backup for reinstallation.


    Q: What is the difference between the old PC disc authentication solution and the new online model?
    A: Two things have changed:
  1. First, authentication of your game disc has changed from a physical format to an online format, eliminating the need to have a disc in the drive when playing.
  2. Second, with online authentication, consumers now connect to the Internet the first time the game is launched and are only required to reconnect if they are downloading new game content.
  3. Q: How will the game authenticate now?
    A: We authenticate your game online when you install and launch it for the first time.

    Q: Do I have to reauthenticate after the first time my game is launched?
    A: Reauthentication is required only if you make significant changes to your PC's hardware, reformat your hard drive, or in some cases, upgrade your Operating System. Multiple installations of the game on the same computer do not count against the number of computers the game can be installed on.

    Q: What are the benefits of online authentication versus the disc-based model?
    A: The new system means you don't need to have the game disc in your computer in order to play. Losing a disc will no longer keep you from enjoying a game you already have installed.

    Q: Am I able to play my game on more than one computer? Do I need the disc for that?
    A: You'll be able to install and play your game on up to three computers without the need of the game disc. Your computer is authorized after installation and the initial launch of the game.

    Q: Will I still be able to play my game offline?
    A: Yes, you can play offline, however, we do hope that you will play online. Sharing creatures, buildings, and vehicles with other players is something that is unique to Spore and Spore Creature Creator, and is one of the coolest features of the game.

    Q: What happens when I've reached the maximum number of computers for my game and I need more? (Due to computer upgrades, theft, crashes, etc.)
    A: EA Customer Support is on hand to supply any additional authorizations that are warranted. This will be done on a case-by-case basis by contacting Customer Support.

    Q: Why are Maxis and EA implementing this new authentication process?
    A: This solution serves to protect our software from piracy. It has the added benefit of allowing you to activate your game on multiple machines without needing the game disc in the drive when playing the game.

2 Sep 2008 - 23:00

All-new exclusive Spooky Clothing, Hair and Home Décor items!

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25 Aug 2008 - 23:20

The Sims 3 is coming! Get The Sims 3 T-shirt & The Sims 3 Hoodie downloads for your Sims - exclusively available in The Sims 2 Apartment Life!

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25 Aug 2008 - 23:20

The Sims 3 is coming! Get The Sims 3 T-shirt & The Sims 3 Hoodie downloads for your Sims - exclusively available in The Sims 2 Apartment Life!

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25 Aug 2008 - 23:20

The Sims 3 is coming! Get The Sims 3 T-shirt & The Sims 3 Hoodie downloads for your Sims - exclusively available in The Sims 2 Apartment Life!

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