
Sims News

17 May 2005 - 23:10

Which 10 Sims have won the Style contest, and have a chance to win the contest and have their outfit included in the eventual expanion The Sims 2 Nightlife?

The winners of this contest are:

  • Patricia M. from Delft
  • Anita van D. from Wanssum
  • Corinne A. from Den Haag
  • Leonie ten B. from Boxmeer
  • Marloes S. from Rijswijk
  • Nina R.
  • Danny S. from Den Haag
  • Rianne de R. from Apeldoorn
  • Geertje B. from 's Gravenzande
  • Danielle S.

Winners: Congratulations!

The winning outfits can be seen in the Sims screensaver. We'll also offer the outfits as downloads soon.

Don't have the screensaver yet? You can download it here.

All winners have won a copy of "The Sims 2 Nightlife", signed by the entire team at Maxis! This prize will be on its way once the game is in stores.

Besides this prize, there is a chance one of the outfits will be picked to be included in the next expansion pack.

17 May 2005 - 23:00

Today EA Benelux released the Dutch logo for The Sims 2 Nightlife.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
17 May 2005 - 23:00

Today EA Benelux released the Dutch logo for The Sims 2 Nightlife.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
13 May 2005 - 23:00

After more than 2 years of being involved with the Sims Community, Anja decided to quit being moderator and co-mayor.

Dear Simmers,

I discovered the Sims Community in December 2002. The forum was opened early 2003 and it was a very small and nice community. In March 2003 I started as a moderator, together with Nita.

The community has grown incredibly fast, more members and moderators. The mayor decided to do something else, so Nita and I took over some of his work. Overall, it has been really cozy and the members were really helpful towards each other.

From Monday May 16, 2005 I will quit being a moderator and mayor. I just graduated from college and bought a house. I will spend a lot of my free time enjoying those things. I also miss being able to just enjoy the Sims Community and playing Sims. And of course I would like to enjoy real life a little more.

The community is a tight group and the moderators are also. I will not be able to visit the community as often anymore and I will sure miss you all dearly.

A big hug,


Electronic Arts would like to thank Anja for her hard work and devotion as a moderator and co-mayor of the Sims Community.

9 May 2005 - 23:00

Get to know the site moderators! We have some fabulous moderators on the site who help other simmers in need, keep things running smoothly, moderate the boards, and help enforce the rules that Maxis has set up. Meet our SimMaster of the Month, SimMasterKat!

Read the Interview

SimMaster of the Month: May 2005

Get to know the site moderators! The Sims 2 community is large and growing. We have some fabulous moderators on the site who help other simmers in need, keep things running smoothly, moderate the boards, and help enforce the rules that Maxis has set up. Our SimMasters are players just like you. Each month we'll be asking one of our SimMasters some questions so you can get to know them better.

This month we talk to May's SimMaster of the month, the helpful and hilarious SimMasterKat!

Hi SimMasterKat. How long have you been a SimMaster?
Since December 3rd, 2003

When did you start playing The Sims?
Late 2000 but I didn't go onto the BBS until sometime 2001 - it was scary and I didn't know what buttons to press.

What is your favorite part of the Sims 2?
I love so much of the game it's really hard to narrow it down. I used to build more than I played generally with TS1 but now I'm more an all rounder. I love the customizable options and Bodyshop. Oh, and I love the new build bits too :D

What is your favorite thing about being a SimMaster?
Pretty much what I loved about being on the BBS before. Chatting to people, helping out where I can and having a giggle. There are some cracking people on the boards.

What is one thing you've learned from being a SimMaster?
Patience, and to not take things personally.

What's your favorite weapon in a food fight?
Rock cakes made to my grandmother's recipe, take out a bull elephant with those babies!

Any advice or tips for your fellow Simmers?
Use search. You can often get the answers a lot quicker that way. Boring I know, but someone's already done the whole sunscreen thing Happy

These are the best general tips I've ever had:

  • Dip your carpet slippers in egg and roll them in bread crumbs. Bake in the oven until golden brown and then tell your friends you're wearing Findus Crispy pancakes.
  • For a cheap alternative to chewing gum why not cover an elastic band with toothpaste.

Thanks for Chatting with us SimMasterKat!

5 May 2005 - 23:00

We would like to thank everyone that submitted their work to the Sims 2 Nightlife Style Contest. We have our work cut out for us as we received over 1000 entries from North America alone! We will be brewing some extra coffee as we are currently in the process of reviewing them all.

5 May 2005 - 23:00

We would like to thank everyone that submitted their work to the Sims 2 Nightlife Style Contest. We have our work cut out for us as we received over 1000 entries from North America alone! We will be brewing some extra coffee as we are currently in the process of reviewing them all.

2 May 2005 - 23:20

The special promotional Sims exam period has ended. You can still take the exam, but you can no longer receive an actual diploma.

2 May 2005 - 23:20

The special promotional Sims exam period has ended. You can still take the exam, but you can no longer receive an actual diploma.

2 May 2005 - 23:10

Even though Nikki is dead her voice-over confuses everyone. Watch Wade rap, he's totally K9.

What Up Dog?



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