
Sims News

6 Apr 2005 - 23:20

Hi Everyone,

It's been a few weeks. I hope you are all enjoying The Sims 2 University, and have had some time to discover all the special little touches we included.

As you know, we have just announced the next expansion. It's called The Sims 2 Nightlife and it's all about getting the Sims out of the house. I know you guys have been asking for more community stuff. Well it's finally coming.

I'm attaching the press release, please feel free to share. I'll have more exciting stuff for you in the weeks to come, so stay tuned. There are a lot of cool features designed especially for the community and the hard core players in The Sims 2 Nightlife and I can't wait to share them with you.

And yes those really are fangs...

Talk to you soon,


6 Apr 2005 - 23:00

"The expansion promises to open the game up and really beef up the community lots, making them not just shopping destinations but places where Sims could blow whole evenings partying away."

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Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion

By Dave 'Fargo' Kosak

The Sims are taking to the streets: the just-announced expansion pack will feature nightclubs, dancing, dating, and a new life's goal...

Sims 2 has only been around seven months or so, but it's already become the fastest-selling PC game of all time, selling over 4.5 million copies. And naturally, expansion packs -- so popular with the first game -- are rolling out at a steady pace. We gave high marks to Sims 2 University, so we were pretty excited here at GameSpy HQ to learn of the latest expansion in development: Sims 2 Nightlife.

The expansion promises to open the game up and really beef up the community lots, making them not just shopping destinations but places where Sims could blow whole evenings partying away. Aside from nightclubs and heavy partying, a whole dating mini-game is being introduced. Sims can wine and dine each other, either hitting it off or embarrassing themselves based on how compatible they are.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
The new DJ turntables should get any party started. Check out the lights, as well.

To go along with these sweaty nights of heathen debauchery, the game adds a whole new lifetime aspiration: "Pleasure Seeker" Sims, digital hedonists out looking for a good time. Nightlife also adds 125 new objects, some of which are pictured here.

We grabbed Senior Producer Tim LeTourneau and Producer Shannon Copur and asked them to spill some more details about the expansion. They tag-teamed the answers:

GameSpy: Night Life! For fans of the original Sims, this expansion pack sounds pretty similar to "Hot Date." Can you talk a little about the differences? What's new here that fans of The Sims haven't gotten before?

Tim LeTourneau and Shannon Copur: Well, first of all, Hot Date was one of the best-selling expansions for the original game, so we don't mind drawing comparisons. The reality is that we covered a lot of domestic territory with the original expansions, so it's natural that there will be similarities in our The Sims 2 expansions. However, we have a whole new world to play with when you add lifetime play and aspirations, so even familiar concepts will feel brand new.

In addition to new locations, we added a strategic dating game with scoring and rewards. Most importantly, and this where The Sims 2 gives us opportunities we didn't have before; we have added a new aspiration: "Pleasure Seeker." This new aspiration traverses the entire Sims experience, so it ties to the base game and The Sims 2 University as well.

We also recognized that one of the things we could really improve on is the community experience in the base game. They are currently shopping locations, and we wanted them to be social hangouts where the Sims could easily meet everyone in the neighborhood. The Sims 2 Nightlife is focused on making them cool and fun places to be.

GameSpy: A new life's aspiration in Nightlife is to be a "Pleasure Seeker." What kind of wants and fears does a Pleasure Seeker have?

LeTourneau & Copur: Pleasure Seekers are all about having fun, experiencing all that life has to offer. They want to play games, have good dates, spending time in the hot tub, throwing rockin' parties, and avoiding boredom.

GameSpy: Talk more about the dating gameplay mentioned in the press release. How will this work for the players?

LeTourneau & Copur: When your Sims go out on a date, they will get scored on how well the date went. If they had a fabulous date, they may receive reward like a bouquet of flowers. But, if it goes horribly wrong, they may get a unpleasant reminder of the experience.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
Dating will be almost like a mini-game, with rewards if you do well. Like this stud.

GameSpy: We're all dying to play around with this just for the poker table alone. What other new items can players expect?

LeTourneau & Copur: Well, there are a few we're keeping under our hats right now, but another favorite of mine is the bowling lane.

GameSpy: Will Nightlife feature whole new town maps, in the same way that University offers multiple college campuses?

LeTourneau & Copur: Yes, we are in the process of designing these as we speak. In addition we are adding new locations for your Sims to go out on dates like restaurants and nightclubs, and, of course, a bowling alley.

GameSpy: Any new career options? How about mini-jobs, similar to what you could do in University?

LeTourneau & Copur: No new careers, but you can work the DJ booth at the nightclub. Better have high creativity.

GameSpy: And finally, what do you think is the single biggest selling point of this expansion? What's the killer feature that every Sims fan should know about?

LeTourneau & Copur: Well, there is never just one thing. The game is different for every player. I will say that I have seen some stuff in the game that will blow players away. I gotta say the poker table is pretty darn cool, if I had to pick one. But like I said, that's only one of many.

6 Apr 2005 - 23:00

"The expansion promises to open the game up and really beef up the community lots, making them not just shopping destinations but places where Sims could blow whole evenings partying away."

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Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion

By Dave 'Fargo' Kosak

The Sims are taking to the streets: the just-announced expansion pack will feature nightclubs, dancing, dating, and a new life's goal...

Sims 2 has only been around seven months or so, but it's already become the fastest-selling PC game of all time, selling over 4.5 million copies. And naturally, expansion packs -- so popular with the first game -- are rolling out at a steady pace. We gave high marks to Sims 2 University, so we were pretty excited here at GameSpy HQ to learn of the latest expansion in development: Sims 2 Nightlife.

The expansion promises to open the game up and really beef up the community lots, making them not just shopping destinations but places where Sims could blow whole evenings partying away. Aside from nightclubs and heavy partying, a whole dating mini-game is being introduced. Sims can wine and dine each other, either hitting it off or embarrassing themselves based on how compatible they are.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
The new DJ turntables should get any party started. Check out the lights, as well.

To go along with these sweaty nights of heathen debauchery, the game adds a whole new lifetime aspiration: "Pleasure Seeker" Sims, digital hedonists out looking for a good time. Nightlife also adds 125 new objects, some of which are pictured here.

We grabbed Senior Producer Tim LeTourneau and Producer Shannon Copur and asked them to spill some more details about the expansion. They tag-teamed the answers:

GameSpy: Night Life! For fans of the original Sims, this expansion pack sounds pretty similar to "Hot Date." Can you talk a little about the differences? What's new here that fans of The Sims haven't gotten before?

Tim LeTourneau and Shannon Copur: Well, first of all, Hot Date was one of the best-selling expansions for the original game, so we don't mind drawing comparisons. The reality is that we covered a lot of domestic territory with the original expansions, so it's natural that there will be similarities in our The Sims 2 expansions. However, we have a whole new world to play with when you add lifetime play and aspirations, so even familiar concepts will feel brand new.

In addition to new locations, we added a strategic dating game with scoring and rewards. Most importantly, and this where The Sims 2 gives us opportunities we didn't have before; we have added a new aspiration: "Pleasure Seeker." This new aspiration traverses the entire Sims experience, so it ties to the base game and The Sims 2 University as well.

We also recognized that one of the things we could really improve on is the community experience in the base game. They are currently shopping locations, and we wanted them to be social hangouts where the Sims could easily meet everyone in the neighborhood. The Sims 2 Nightlife is focused on making them cool and fun places to be.

GameSpy: A new life's aspiration in Nightlife is to be a "Pleasure Seeker." What kind of wants and fears does a Pleasure Seeker have?

LeTourneau & Copur: Pleasure Seekers are all about having fun, experiencing all that life has to offer. They want to play games, have good dates, spending time in the hot tub, throwing rockin' parties, and avoiding boredom.

GameSpy: Talk more about the dating gameplay mentioned in the press release. How will this work for the players?

LeTourneau & Copur: When your Sims go out on a date, they will get scored on how well the date went. If they had a fabulous date, they may receive reward like a bouquet of flowers. But, if it goes horribly wrong, they may get a unpleasant reminder of the experience.

The Sims 2 Nightlife
Dating will be almost like a mini-game, with rewards if you do well. Like this stud.

GameSpy: We're all dying to play around with this just for the poker table alone. What other new items can players expect?

LeTourneau & Copur: Well, there are a few we're keeping under our hats right now, but another favorite of mine is the bowling lane.

GameSpy: Will Nightlife feature whole new town maps, in the same way that University offers multiple college campuses?

LeTourneau & Copur: Yes, we are in the process of designing these as we speak. In addition we are adding new locations for your Sims to go out on dates like restaurants and nightclubs, and, of course, a bowling alley.

GameSpy: Any new career options? How about mini-jobs, similar to what you could do in University?

LeTourneau & Copur: No new careers, but you can work the DJ booth at the nightclub. Better have high creativity.

GameSpy: And finally, what do you think is the single biggest selling point of this expansion? What's the killer feature that every Sims fan should know about?

LeTourneau & Copur: Well, there is never just one thing. The game is different for every player. I will say that I have seen some stuff in the game that will blow players away. I gotta say the poker table is pretty darn cool, if I had to pick one. But like I said, that's only one of many.

5 Apr 2005 - 23:00

Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims™ 2 Nightlife is under development from Maxis™ studio, the creators of the widely popular franchise, The Sims™.


EA Announces The Sims 2 Nightlife

The Sims Head Out to Experience an Epic Night Out on the Town

Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims™ 2 Nightlife is under development from Maxis™ studio, the creators of the widely popular franchise, The Sims™. This is the second expansion pack for The Sims™ 2 which took the world by storm in September 2004 by becoming the fastest selling PC game of all time and has sold over 4.5M units worldwide to date. With The Sims 2 Nightlife, players will be able to take their Sims out to hit all the swanky hot spots in the all new downtown location and spice up their lives with an all new dating gameplay and a new life goal focused on pleasure seeking.

The Sims 2 Nightlife takes Sims into the night to explore all of their favorite after-dark activities. Players can either head out and discover their love lives or have a crazy night out with friends. With the new dating gameplay, players will see if their Sims have chemistry with others which will determine their romantic fate. The newest addition to the game includes the brand new pleasure seeker aspiration allowing players to explore a life filled with unforgettable dates, endless nights of dancing and fine dining. Make your Sims nightlife fantasy a reality with over 125 new objects including a DJ booth, poker table and all you need to design the ultimate nightclub and VIP lounge.

"Sims fans have always wanted to take their Sims out of their homes," said Tim LeTourneau, Sr. Producer. "Now with The Sims 2 Nightlife, players will be able to take their Sims out of the suburbs and into the night while dating, hanging out on the town and staying up till dawn at all the hottest spots around town."

The Sims 2 Nightlife is scheduled to ship under the EA GAMES™ brand in the Fall of 2005. The Sims 2 is required to play The Sims 2 Nightlife.

For more information on The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Nightlife, visit

5 Apr 2005 - 23:00

Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims™ 2 Nightlife is under development from Maxis™ studio, the creators of the widely popular franchise, The Sims™.


EA Announces The Sims 2 Nightlife

The Sims Head Out to Experience an Epic Night Out on the Town

Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims™ 2 Nightlife is under development from Maxis™ studio, the creators of the widely popular franchise, The Sims™. This is the second expansion pack for The Sims™ 2 which took the world by storm in September 2004 by becoming the fastest selling PC game of all time and has sold over 4.5M units worldwide to date. With The Sims 2 Nightlife, players will be able to take their Sims out to hit all the swanky hot spots in the all new downtown location and spice up their lives with an all new dating gameplay and a new life goal focused on pleasure seeking.

The Sims 2 Nightlife takes Sims into the night to explore all of their favorite after-dark activities. Players can either head out and discover their love lives or have a crazy night out with friends. With the new dating gameplay, players will see if their Sims have chemistry with others which will determine their romantic fate. The newest addition to the game includes the brand new pleasure seeker aspiration allowing players to explore a life filled with unforgettable dates, endless nights of dancing and fine dining. Make your Sims nightlife fantasy a reality with over 125 new objects including a DJ booth, poker table and all you need to design the ultimate nightclub and VIP lounge.

"Sims fans have always wanted to take their Sims out of their homes," said Tim LeTourneau, Sr. Producer. "Now with The Sims 2 Nightlife, players will be able to take their Sims out of the suburbs and into the night while dating, hanging out on the town and staying up till dawn at all the hottest spots around town."

The Sims 2 Nightlife is scheduled to ship under the EA GAMES™ brand in the Fall of 2005. The Sims 2 is required to play The Sims 2 Nightlife.

For more information on The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Nightlife, visit

31 Mar 2005 - 23:30

What is that orange XML icon? It means our RSS news feed is now live! Now you can add news from directly to your fansite or RSS news reader to keep up to date on all the latest news.

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31 Mar 2005 - 23:20

Celebrate the tomfoolery with the "Running With Scissors" Playset! Beware: Running with Scissors for too long can be extremely detrimental to your sims health.

Thrill-seekers and pranksters alike will find the activity of running paired with giant scissors reduces the tedium of exercise by maximizing danger and increasing excitement. The Runs With Scissors Playset is not recommended for children.

Get the download!

The Sims 2
31 Mar 2005 - 23:10

Nikki is dead! How did it happen? Was it a swarm of locusts? Lightning? Did she get hit by space debris? It looks like Wade and Tovar can't remember!

Watch Episode 5!

30 Mar 2005 - 23:00

Cheetah from had some time to interview Will Wright at The Sims 2 SimPosium event. Find out what is going on in the mind of our favorite game designer.

Read The Interview

30 Mar 2005 - 23:00

Cheetah from had some time to interview Will Wright at The Sims 2 SimPosium event. Find out what is going on in the mind of our favorite game designer.

Read The Interview



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