
Sims News

13 Apr 2004 - 23:00

De organisatie van de TMF Awards heeft dit jaar de categorie ‘Best Game’ geïntroduceerd. Deze nieuwe categorie is in het leven geroepen om aan de wensen van de TMF doelgroep tegemoet te komen. Electronic Arts is de eerste games uitgever die de prestigieuze TMF Award voor ‘Best Game’ in ontvangst heeft genomen.

De stemming voor beste game is verlopen via de TMF website waar bezoekers in eerste instantie hun vrije keuze kenbaar konden maken. Na de telling bleken drie Electronic Arts games te zijn genomineerd: FIFA Football 2004, Need for Speed Underground en The Sims. De meeste stemmen gingen uiteindelijk naar The Sims.

René van der Woerdt, marketing directeur van Electronic Arts, reageert enthousiast op de TMF Award: “De TMF Award voor ‘Best Game’ is een geweldige bekroning op de games die Electronic Arts ontwikkelt en de communicatie die we hebben opgebouwd met de vele Sims fans in Nederland. Met een prijs als deze krijgen games de erkenning dat ze, naast muziek en film, inmiddels als breed geaccepteerde vorm van entertainment wordt gezien.”

10 Apr 2004 - 23:00

Greetings, Sims Fans!

Spring is in the air, and that means it's time to shed those unwanted polygons! It's time to get on track - the Athletic Career Track, that is. In The Sims 2, you can keep your Sims fit and svelte by making them a career athlete. Dress them up in track-suits or leggings, and send them for a run, or have them pay a visit to the gym, and work out some aggression on the punching bag. Whether the goal is a shapely silhouette for that itsy-bitsy summer bikini your Sim has her eye on, or that flash new sports car you plan on buying with your career earnings, Sim athleticism is one of many ways you can achieve greatness in The Sims 2.

Check out these great screenshots of Sims-in-training. Guess which one's my alter-ego!

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Have a great, active weekend!

Lucy Bradshaw

Sims 2 Executive Producer/Kickboxing Terror Extraordinaire (virtually)

8 Apr 2004 - 23:20
The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Two new official screenshots today!

8 Apr 2004 - 23:10

This Sunday, April 11th 2004, The Sims Resource will be holding a Live Sims Quiz at The Sims Chat. The Quiz is open to anyone and will be great fun to take part in, regardless how competitively you play. They have some fantastic prizes to give away to the winners as well as to random players.

Go To

8 Apr 2004 - 23:00

These screens show off the new Camera Mode, which allows you to travel around the game as if you were a Sim, and view the game from ground level instead of the typical bird's-eye view.

Go To Screenshots

6 Apr 2004 - 23:00

De eerste prijswinnaars zijn bekend!

Uit de vele honderden inzendingen hebben we streng moeten selecteren. Vele inzendingen waren goed, maar er zaten ook een aantal fouten tussen.

Op de vraag onder welk label The Sims uitkomt was het goede antwoord uiteraard EA GAMES.

Op het forum vind je de namen van de 100(!) winnaars van de Sims sleutelhanger, deze kun je binnen korte tijd thuis verwachten.

Later vandaag maken we de winnaar van de Xbox spelcomputer met The Sims Erop Uit! bekend, hou de website dus goed in de gaten!

3 Apr 2004 - 23:00

Hello Everybody:

They say sometimes the journey is its own reward, and if that's the case, then my predecessor, Luc Barthelet, got enough metaphorical rewards these past few years to last a lifetime (and let's face it, the games he's helped breathe life into have received enough *actual* awards to last a lifetime, too!). I've had the honor and good fortune to have worked with Luc through the launch of the SimCity 3000™ website, through the entire amazing roller-coaster ride of unbridled success that was The Sims™, and most recently, on the soon-to-be-unbridled-success that is The Sims™ 2. It was an incredible time for all involved, and I'd like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new role of VP, Technology Fellow for EA, and to thank him for the years of hard work and dedication.

Now, to address all those naysayers out there who have ambivalent feelings about the addition of the letter "y" to the closing salutation of their Sims Community letter, let me say to you that you can rest assured that the flame of community passion and the dedication to create wonderful games and powerful sets of tools to support and add extensibility to them has been passed on to someone (me!) with the same fervent belief about what makes a product rise above the competition and achieve greatness. And fear not, die-hard Luc fans - he's just one floor up from the rest of Maxis, and is almost certain to put in a cameo appearance every now and then!

The other big news this week - the Llama has landed! We've settled into EA's Redwood Shores HQ and we've already begun pushing our secret agenda to make EA just a little more like Maxis. Decorations and artwork are popping up throughout our floor, and rhinos have been hung from the ceiling (not real rhinos, mind you) and we're quickly acquiring that lived-in look that only dozens of skilled workers working long, hard hours and not showering enough can bring. The interruption of our work on The Sims 2 proved to be no more than a blip of an annoyance, and we're now back to working full-time (and then some) on making The Sims 2 the incredible experience you all know it will be.

We'll have more information of the game in next week's email, but in the meantime, take a gander at the concept art of our posh new entry way that leads to our new digs:

The Sims 2

Luc + y = Lucy

Lucy Bradshaw

Executive Producer, The Sims 2

3 Apr 2004 - 23:00

Hello Everybody:

They say sometimes the journey is its own reward, and if that's the case, then my predecessor, Luc Barthelet, got enough metaphorical rewards these past few years to last a lifetime (and let's face it, the games he's helped breathe life into have received enough *actual* awards to last a lifetime, too!). I've had the honor and good fortune to have worked with Luc through the launch of the SimCity 3000™ website, through the entire amazing roller-coaster ride of unbridled success that was The Sims™, and most recently, on the soon-to-be-unbridled-success that is The Sims™ 2. It was an incredible time for all involved, and I'd like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new role of VP, Technology Fellow for EA, and to thank him for the years of hard work and dedication.

Now, to address all those naysayers out there who have ambivalent feelings about the addition of the letter "y" to the closing salutation of their Sims Community letter, let me say to you that you can rest assured that the flame of community passion and the dedication to create wonderful games and powerful sets of tools to support and add extensibility to them has been passed on to someone (me!) with the same fervent belief about what makes a product rise above the competition and achieve greatness. And fear not, die-hard Luc fans - he's just one floor up from the rest of Maxis, and is almost certain to put in a cameo appearance every now and then!

The other big news this week - the Llama has landed! We've settled into EA's Redwood Shores HQ and we've already begun pushing our secret agenda to make EA just a little more like Maxis. Decorations and artwork are popping up throughout our floor, and rhinos have been hung from the ceiling (not real rhinos, mind you) and we're quickly acquiring that lived-in look that only dozens of skilled workers working long, hard hours and not showering enough can bring. The interruption of our work on The Sims 2 proved to be no more than a blip of an annoyance, and we're now back to working full-time (and then some) on making The Sims 2 the incredible experience you all know it will be.

We'll have more information of the game in next week's email, but in the meantime, take a gander at the concept art of our posh new entry way that leads to our new digs:

The Sims 2

Luc + y = Lucy

Lucy Bradshaw

Executive Producer, The Sims 2

3 Apr 2004 - 23:00

Hello Everybody:

They say sometimes the journey is its own reward, and if that's the case, then my predecessor, Luc Barthelet, got enough metaphorical rewards these past few years to last a lifetime (and let's face it, the games he's helped breathe life into have received enough *actual* awards to last a lifetime, too!). I've had the honor and good fortune to have worked with Luc through the launch of the SimCity 3000™ website, through the entire amazing roller-coaster ride of unbridled success that was The Sims™, and most recently, on the soon-to-be-unbridled-success that is The Sims™ 2. It was an incredible time for all involved, and I'd like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new role of VP, Technology Fellow for EA, and to thank him for the years of hard work and dedication.

Now, to address all those naysayers out there who have ambivalent feelings about the addition of the letter "y" to the closing salutation of their Sims Community letter, let me say to you that you can rest assured that the flame of community passion and the dedication to create wonderful games and powerful sets of tools to support and add extensibility to them has been passed on to someone (me!) with the same fervent belief about what makes a product rise above the competition and achieve greatness. And fear not, die-hard Luc fans - he's just one floor up from the rest of Maxis, and is almost certain to put in a cameo appearance every now and then!

The other big news this week - the Llama has landed! We've settled into EA's Redwood Shores HQ and we've already begun pushing our secret agenda to make EA just a little more like Maxis. Decorations and artwork are popping up throughout our floor, and rhinos have been hung from the ceiling (not real rhinos, mind you) and we're quickly acquiring that lived-in look that only dozens of skilled workers working long, hard hours and not showering enough can bring. The interruption of our work on The Sims 2 proved to be no more than a blip of an annoyance, and we're now back to working full-time (and then some) on making The Sims 2 the incredible experience you all know it will be.

We'll have more information of the game in next week's email, but in the meantime, take a gander at the concept art of our posh new entry way that leads to our new digs:

The Sims 2

Luc + y = Lucy

Lucy Bradshaw

Executive Producer, The Sims 2

1 Apr 2004 - 23:10

Doe mee aan de prijsvragen, win leuke prijzen en laat je verrassen door de leuke dingen die we nog allemaal in petto hebben de komende weken!



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