
Sims News

27 Mar 2014 - 22:25

Can you tell that I'm excited? SimGuruTaterTot shared this picture earlier tonight on Twitter. And if this doesn't say "bakeries" then I don't know what will!

We've got something sweet for you and it's in the shape of pies, cookies, and cupcakes! #lifeissweet

27 Mar 2014 - 22:19

SimGuruSarah shared these beautiful concept arts from a Parisian themed interior (from World Adventures).

By request, some additional full color concept art pieces from The Sims 3 World Adventures! Parisian Interior.

27 Mar 2014 - 22:15
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Here are three new Supernatural concept arts shared by SimGuruSarah!

By request, some black & white concept from The Sims 3 Supernatural!

26 Mar 2014 - 23:35

SimGuruSarah shared several Nightlife concept arts, however two of those were already on the site, so I'm only posting the one that's new. Happy

Full color concept art from The Sims 2 Nightlife! This is the Gypsy Match Maker - who remembers her?

26 Mar 2014 - 12:05


As online gaming continues to surge in popularity, simulation complexity increases rapidly and aggressively multi-core platforms become the standard, decoupling game presentation from simulation becomes increasingly important.

For The Sims 4, we've developed a novel model for rendering high-fidelity synchronized behaviors involving multiple actors, even when driven by a simulation that runs at highly variable and/or low-frame rates, and which potentially communicates with the renderer over a high/variable latency connection.

Historically, such products have often made significant compromises, either by requiring their simulations to run at real-time rates, and forcing extremely rigid synchronization, or by limiting visual quality in critical areas like character animation.

Our solution addresses all of these, and is capable of scaling across a variety of game types by offering a core framework for individual game teams to extend and customize.

See the rest of the PDF on the GDC Vault website!

26 Mar 2014 - 11:19

SimGuruTaterTot shared a new screen of the upcoming store set last night, but it was already too late for me so I decided to post it this morning. More bakery goodness. I really, really, really, really hope it's a bakery. Please, let it be a bakery. Okay done now. Enjoy!

care to join me for a sweet afternoon snack?

25 Mar 2014 - 19:05

Even more World Adventures concept arts! Kinda inspired to build an Egyptian house now haha!

Additional full color concept pieces from early in the development process of Egypt from TS3 World Adventures!

25 Mar 2014 - 16:50
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More concept arts, this time the t-shirt designs from World Adventures! I loved these. Happy

The final concept art for the souvenir t-shirts in CAS from The Sims 3 World Adventures!

24 Mar 2014 - 23:37

SimGuruSarah shared some cool concept arts from World Adventures:

Hi everyone! I have some World Adventures concept art to share featuring an Egyptian themed Living Room!



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