
Sims News

26 Feb 2004 - 22:10

Art Directors Bob King and Dave Patch join us in chat today to tell us about being an artist in the game industry.

Read the transcripts!

Art Directors Bob King And Dave Patch

Tell All About Being An Artist In The Game Industry

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:38:40 PM)
hey all

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 5:38:58 PM)

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 5:53:30 PM)
do you enjoy seeing what you create in games?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:53:30 PM)
It is a great moment when you can finaly see a sim or object in the game...What's sweeter is seeing what you all come up with...

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 5:53:50 PM)
Pipe down, Dave. We haven't started yet....

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:56:55 PM)

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:00 PM)
Welcome to the Sims chat with Maxis Art Directors MaxisBob and MaxisDave who will be chatting about what its like to be a Maxis artist working on the Sims!

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:06 PM)
lol eager artists!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:29 PM)
Hey all....bout time eh?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:30 PM)
Hello, all

Meowness (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:55 PM)
Did you guys use a different program to create the sims in The Sims 2 then the sims in the Sims 1?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:57:55 PM)
Yes we use Maya now instead of Max

Meowness (Feb 26, 2004 5:58:06 PM)
how long does it take to draw one sim?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 5:58:06 PM)
which never see the light of day. Of those 5-7, maybe 2 of them will be created digitally to be placed into the game. Building those characters in 3DS Max or Maya takes a few days... up to a week to model and texture.

pavlov_dog (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:05 PM)
do you plan your designs on paper first or do everything on computer

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:05 PM)
Drawings and photos are key to the designing the sims, the objust, everything

Casper (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:27 PM)
What new objects have you made recently?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:27 PM)
They are taking questions about art in the game and not specific questions about the game. Check back for a general Sims 2 chat soon!

Scary (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:27 PM)
ahahahaha,poor Dave

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 5:59:27 PM)
I'm used to it....

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:00:15 PM)
So how many polygons does each Sim (In TS2) have? How many for just the face?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:00:15 PM)
faces and bodys roughy 1200 verts, plus the hair....

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:00:24 PM)
that's each

Peircebm (Feb 26, 2004 6:01:05 PM)
where do you get your ideas for sim characters

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:01:05 PM)
Ideas come from life. Since we are working on a people simulator, everyone walking the streets out there is fair game. We're always on the lookout for new ideas.

pavlov_dog (Feb 26, 2004 6:01:32 PM)
with all the plunging necklines skins that are made i take it the guys make those?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:01:32 PM)
You'd think, but we have a couple women designers who help with the outfit choices

Johnnnnnnn (Feb 26, 2004 6:02:47 PM)
like omg, i think im late, when does the chat end?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:02:47 PM)
This chat will end at 4:00 PM PST. Thanks for coming!

Craizy_Daizy (Feb 26, 2004 6:02:47 PM)
I have heard there will be elves in the game. Is that true?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:02:47 PM)
With our new Create a Face, and CaSie, we have elves...and you can make just about anything else.

raye1 (Feb 26, 2004 6:03:00 PM)
Hi I have a 2 part question: 1.Do we need the maya program to create objects?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:03:00 PM)

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:04:24 PM)
Does the art (graphics) change much during the development of a game? Or does it stay the same the whole way through?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:04:24 PM)
As the game itself changes, so does the look. Also in developement innovations occure that open new looks

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:01 PM)
Which in easier to use, Maya or Max?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:01 PM)
Personally, I prefer Maya for animation and Max for modeling. Everyone is defferent, though. Both are great products.

Dani_dee_sim (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:08 PM)
would any anatomy courses help in becoming an artist for the sims?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:08 PM)

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:19 PM)
We hafve life drawing every week!

holtomchris (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:40 PM)
What kind of advanced graphics and art can we expect to see in TS2,the videos look great will it really be that good

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:05:40 PM)
those are screen shots.

Trixie (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:27 PM)
Will there be some women's outfits that are NOT 'mrs. crumplebottom' OR "hey baby, how much do you charge per hour"

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:27 PM)
Yes we do have J.Crew and Gap-ish clothing

Simster (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:27 PM)
Does being an artist on the Sims 2 involve designing outfits?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:27 PM)
Sure does. It also means trying to stay up to date with what is going on in the fashion world, which isn't always easy. We've been in production for quite some time, now... fashion styles change quickly!

MagicGnome (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:57 PM)
Hello you guys I want to say that you are really good Artest. I was wording how long you guys have been in doing stuff like this

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:06:57 PM)
been playing games my whole life!!!!!!

Jakerh (Feb 26, 2004 6:07:35 PM)
Ive wanted a job as a game artist.....what do you have to go through to get the job? How many years in college?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:07:35 PM)
BA in a solid art college,

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 6:08:20 PM)
Just a little factoid: MaxisBob drove the neat visuals on the Makin' Magic expansion.. all the fun carnival stuff

Jakerh (Feb 26, 2004 6:08:26 PM)
Do you use little clay sim figures to help imagine what it'll look like in the game?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:08:26 PM)
I wish we had the time to do this, but unfortunately, no. I did build a little clay Will Wright a while back, though.

pennygirl25 (Feb 26, 2004 6:08:50 PM)
How many hours do you have to put in a day?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:08:50 PM)
At work? 10 or so, but I constently think about what we are working on. I mean we are making what is all around, daily life, so it's kind of hard to get away from

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:09:25 PM)
so were you amazed to see the sims 2 graphics so nicly done?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:09:25 PM)
Nope, I got one hell of an art team!

shorty42580 (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:10 PM)
Hi, I want to be an Art Director. How did you get your start?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:10 PM)
School, many many hours as an artist,

Cowlover2004 (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:35 PM)
You guys (and Girls) and so cool for creating this game!

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:35 PM)
You are not too shabby yourself! Thanks for playing and enjoying the game!

Derek's Allsims (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:42 PM)
Will there ever be hair longer then shoulder length?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:10:42 PM)
Yes! We have some long hair on both sexes

holtomchris (Feb 26, 2004 6:11:50 PM)
What kind of advanced graphics and art can we expect to see in TS2 the videos are great will it really be that good

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:11:50 PM)
Again, all of the images and avi's are screen shots. I have not made one movie.

Luckyryan (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:14 PM)
Have you made a sim like you?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:14 PM)
No, but I made bob

Zave (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:14 PM)
Can you share with us what your favorite object or Sim art was when creating it?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:14 PM)
I really liked our Magic Stage from Makin' Magic. That was fun to do.

TS2_lover (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:54 PM)
how did start working at Maxis?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:12:54 PM)
Sent them a reel and resume

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:02 PM)
I have an off topic Q. When you guys do this chat, are you all in the same room weeding out our Qs and making fun of the stupid ones?

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:02 PM)
We'll never say.... Mwahahahahaa! Wink

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:15 PM)
howdy maxis dave!!!!!!!!ur myfavorite!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:15 PM)
Kissing up does work!

D man (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:24 PM)

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:13:24 PM)
thanks. Mucho fun was had whilst working on that.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:08 PM)
What kinda classes should you take to maybe qualify to work with Maxis???

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:08 PM)
you need strong composition, design and color calsses. You also need to know Maya and or Max

frieza88 (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:19 PM)
We need more punk typpe outfits, something original

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:19 PM)
Don't know if you guys play the Sims on console (PS2 and Xbox) but I think you'll be happy with the characters we're cooking up.

Optimus (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:20 PM)
what does an art director actually do? do you draw yourself? or do you only aprove or bounce art and graphics the artists make?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:20 PM)
Bully artists

Cowlover2004 (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:54 PM)
Is MaxisBob based on Bob Newbie?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:15:54 PM)
ha. no. definitely not. Happy

Fishi (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:14 PM)
How long have you been working with Maxis?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:14 PM)
5+ years....though in's like 10

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:41 PM)
did you spend a lot of time getting the in game graphics just perfect?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:41 PM)
3 years or so, and we are still working on them

Ali=ME (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:50 PM)
Bob, and Dave if you could both answer this one, which drawing were you MOST proud of??

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:16:50 PM)
personally, my proudest moment in my career was doing the Sims Online image for the cover of Newsweek a year or so ago.

simfan101 (Feb 26, 2004 6:17:31 PM)
is MaxisDave an alcoholic?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:17:31 PM)
Why? Do you know of a good pub?

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:18:26 PM)
Do you consider yourself artists first and designers second or is it the other way around?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:18:26 PM)
both equal, all depends on what needs to be done

softbalkookie (Feb 26, 2004 6:18:30 PM)
Dave can you fire Bob? Bob can you fire Dave? Lucky can you fire then all? :P

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:18:30 PM)
If I fire Dave from a cannon and Dave fires me out the window, Lucky won't have to worry about it

zGlitta (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:03 PM)
So maxislucky is a robot??

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:03 PM)
that does not compute

micl2u (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:28 PM)
People that are learning Maya PLE , will they be able to import directly into the game or will they need Maya 5?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:28 PM)
We are working on tools to get custome meshes into the game...cna't tell you until we build the tool. But the BAT does use the Max teaching version

qtipie2010 (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:53 PM)
do you like your job?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:19:53 PM)
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:02 PM)
What exactly does a "3D Programmer" do, and does it have much to do with the art?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:02 PM)
Woah, they make the stuff we build work....way different mindset though...

Triscuit (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:16 PM)
Not a direct date to give us, but are we any close for us to get CASIE?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:16 PM)
We won't be talking about release dates at all today. Bob and Dave don't know nothin' about that kinda thing.

ScoMorr (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:41 PM)
what is the average file size for your 3D models before there rendered?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:21:41 PM)
Sims2 is real pre-rendering

Simsimillian (Feb 26, 2004 6:22:50 PM)
do you use those body suits, you know, with the electrodes, to create animations?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:22:50 PM)
No way! We have an amazing team of animators that give way more life to the sims than any motion capture could.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:23:31 PM)
have you fashioned any clothing from what you have seen your wife or girlfriends wear?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:23:32 PM)
Have to... wink wink

Schweighsr (Feb 26, 2004 6:25:17 PM)
Can you tell us the formats for walls and floors [so I can get a head start on making some]? Are they still .BMPs? How many pixels high and wide?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:25:17 PM)
Walls: tga's same dimentions as SIms1, the floors need to be base 2, and square, but they can be any size your system can handle...we are using 512x512 mostly

Small_Time_Sims (Feb 26, 2004 6:25:55 PM)
Maxis Dave I have 3 years in but no degree can I still get a game artist job with Maxis? lol

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:25:55 PM)
If your reel is screamin'!

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:12 PM)
Is it werid for you guys to go to a store and see a game you have been working on and keeping the stuff in it serect? I think it would kill me not being able to tell people all the cool stuff in the sims 2.

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:12 PM)
It's a relief, actually to see our product on the shelf. For the art teams, it is a bit odd, because we tend to finish up first, and therefore ouor game hits the market a couple months after we're done touching it. There's a bit of an odd time delay... oh, yeah... I remember working on that!

AuroraBorialis (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:16 PM)
just making sure--this is the chat for art stuff on Sims 2

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:16 PM)
Yup - this is the art chat. Thanks for joining us.

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:56 PM)
Maxis and EA are certainly unique in this aspect. And I can vouch for all the girlies here, we're pretty proud of the fact that we make games both genders want to play, and that we are helping make them!

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:26:56 PM)
here, here

DesStar (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:15 PM)
Which life stage was the most difficult to design?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:15 PM)
Teen. We wanted to get this just right...not to goofy, not to sharp, or angry, but teens...

krayne (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:49 PM)
how many users are in this chat?

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:49 PM)
183 currently

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:59 PM)
Where do you two get your ideas from for your art? Do you do research, or does it just come to you?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:27:59 PM)
Look around! Ourt "daily Life" is what we are making....

chicagokid2009 (Feb 26, 2004 6:28:01 PM)
question! is it hard to be an artist in the gaming world with the constant pressure of having to make a game with better and better graphics? i mean, there is so much competition for who can make the best grahpics for a game in the industry.

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:28:01 PM)
I'd say 'challenging' would be a better term. Newere and fresher techniques are happening all the time, and we're trying to stay ahead of them *and* produce a game at the same time.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:29:10 PM)
about how many rough drafts do you go through before a final product?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:29:10 PM)
the game is always being built, changed, and built again, daily!

lltytgbr_ (Feb 26, 2004 6:29:59 PM)
how did you feel when you saw Singles? do you think it is competition???

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:29:59 PM)
Did you see the video? 'nff said!

ElijahWoodsGirl (Feb 26, 2004 6:30:03 PM)
Do you use motion capture to create sim movements

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:30:03 PM)
Say hello to Elijah for me. To this point, each and every animation created for the sims, since the original version, has been created without the aide of MoCap

lltytgbr_ (Feb 26, 2004 6:30:58 PM)
were you the one who created the animations on hot datE? they are awesome XD~

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:30:58 PM)
Nope, but Allyn is on the Sims 2 team. She is great!

Lyrica (Feb 26, 2004 6:31:27 PM)
is it hard to do and redo your work when they dont like it?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:31:27 PM)
It's just can always make more....

TrexterZiam (Feb 26, 2004 6:32:05 PM)
Is Sims2 a true 3d with 360 degrees or rotation for every game aspect?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:32:05 PM)
Yep, you can get on the same level as the sims, look up, down.....

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:32:45 PM)
do you have single head meshes or can you have a head mesh and a hair mesh?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:32:45 PM)
We have a head/face mesh and a hair mesh, so you can mix and match

Optimus (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:13 PM)
just one little silly question, is urine going to be blue again?

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:13 PM)
as opposed to ...? Happy

VictorianBunny (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:14 PM)
I love the sims because it doesn't have any violence. How hard is it to find a job making a non-violent game that is not a childrens game in the industry today.

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:14 PM)
I haven't been job hunting for quite some time, but I would inmagine that the 'non-violent, non-children's' game market would be pretty small. We're really proud of our non-violence.

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:35 PM)
What objects do you like making the most?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:35 PM)
the career objects, because they are the ones where we can go a bit crazy and loose

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:48 PM)
Did you guys make is so like when a sim walks their hair moves or when they bend over or something?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:33:49 PM)

Optimus (Feb 26, 2004 6:34:20 PM)
did any of you actualy ever wanted to make the nude graphics anatomic realistic despite the fact they where going to be censored after all?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:34:20 PM)
bad Optimus...BAD!

Craizy_Daizy (Feb 26, 2004 6:34:41 PM)
Ooh crazy objects how so?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:34:41 PM)
You'll have to wait...sorry....

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:35:02 PM)
what is your favrote EP

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:35:02 PM)
Chronic Town by REM....

D man (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:06 PM)
Dave, y is ur icon thing a beer?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:06 PM)
Ummm Beer!!!!

MagicGnome (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:09 PM)
is there any web sites were we can get info on you 2

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:09 PM)
Probably the FBI most wanted site.

munk (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:51 PM)
how would someone like me, a 27 year old college dropout who still lives at home but loves to draw and won a first prize ribbon in a school art contest, get into the game artist field?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:51 PM)
get you butt into school, learn the software, and build a reel!

lovesims (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:57 PM)
do you have a release date for casie??

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:36:58 PM)
We won't be talking about release dates today.

Schweighsr (Feb 26, 2004 6:38:31 PM)
Can we [the players] change the contents of a picture by giving it a new 'texture', or will they be releasing an Art Studio 2?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:38:31 PM)
We have design mode on most objects that lets us swap textures. We are building a tool to let you customize those textures load them in, or trade them...coming soon

123retsemag (Feb 26, 2004 6:38:44 PM)
HAHA, dont you feel weird that something you guys created has used up like 100% of people lifes playing!!! And people are sooo adicted that thats all they think about??????!!!! haha

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:38:44 PM)
haha...yeah...haha (laughs nervoulsy)

Boberto (Feb 26, 2004 6:39:03 PM)
Do you draw art and drink beer at the same time?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:39:03 PM)
All big is the beer?

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Feb 26, 2004 6:39:34 PM)
What's a reel?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:39:34 PM)
a video of you work, animation and models.

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:40:24 PM)
What do gaming companies look for in a reel? What makes it good?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:40:24 PM)
Modeler: good mapping, shapes, design. Animation: emotion, character and style

EgoBruiser (Feb 26, 2004 6:41:19 PM)
We know objects wear out in The Sims 2. How do they appear visually when they're worn out?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:41:19 PM)
Some do, those that can be repaired like the TV, stereo...

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Feb 26, 2004 6:42:02 PM)
Which object was the hardest t omake?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:42:02 PM)
The sims! Th4ey have to be realistic enough that you care, but cartoony enough so you laugh when they get zapped fixing the tv....

Craizy_Daizy (Feb 26, 2004 6:42:44 PM)
Though I personally am opposed to the idea, there is a lot of speculation about an M-rated expansion pack. Where does maxis stand on that issue?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:42:44 PM)
No need.

Rachelmbc06 (Feb 26, 2004 6:43:42 PM)
AN M-rated exp pack, is this true?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:43:42 PM)
No. Not true. Absolutely false.

Lyrica (Feb 26, 2004 6:43:42 PM)
dont you think the sims are a bit too round?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:43:42 PM)
Round? I don't understand what this round is...cna you explain?

Writers_block90 (Feb 26, 2004 6:44:21 PM)
Does the maxis employies have copies of the sims 2 yet?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:44:21 PM)
game ain't done no.

Simsimillian (Feb 26, 2004 6:45:15 PM)
But they said that the couches also wore out! And that we could re-opholster them when they did! Is this one of the features that got cancelled??

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:45:15 PM)
you can change the texture, but they don't wear out no mo'

Lyrica (Feb 26, 2004 6:45:54 PM)
round as in their faces are too round balls

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:45:54 PM)
The faces can be almost any shape you want with CAS!

Charged GBH (Feb 26, 2004 6:46:08 PM)
PLEASE ANSWER THIS!!!!!!!!!!! did it take a long time to develop the reflections on objects??

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:46:08 PM)

vampiress_kitty (Feb 26, 2004 6:46:09 PM)
Do employees of maxis get free copies of the sims?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:46:09 PM)
Heck ya! It's why we work here. Well, that and to steal Dave's beer....

BCDsFriend (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:09 PM)
When sims do get zapped, do all we see is their skeleton again? Or will there be more graphics?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:09 PM)
skeleton, sparks, smoke!

Adam Lachlan. Ram Sims (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:41 PM)
MaxisDave are you the same guy as SimMasterDave?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:41 PM)
Nope - MaxisDave works for Maxis and SimMasterDave is a community member.

bagofskittles (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:51 PM)
BEER. (maybe that will get my question noticed) Is the only type of toilets in The Sims 2 the ones that we've seen in the screenshots? Because all the toilets we see in the screenshots are the same! BEER.

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:47:51 PM)
Beer. we have two toilets, with many design modes on each. beer

Mandi4Sims (Feb 26, 2004 6:48:39 PM)
How do they decide who's going to come and chat to the losers who live for the weekly chat? ;o)

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:48:39 PM)
Maxis Kitty and I scour the halls of Maxis in search of just the right personality to hang with our fans for an hour. But we refuse to chat with loosers, so we make sure they don't get into the chat room. Wink

Cowlover2004 (Feb 26, 2004 6:49:33 PM)
How do you feel knowing that the game that you are creating is changing someones life?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:49:33 PM)
Woah. We just make fun stuff. If it makes you happy we have done our job.

lltytgbr_ (Feb 26, 2004 6:49:51 PM)
can you tell us what animation you were working on before you came to this chat??

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:49:51 PM)
I wasn't working on any animation today.... currently, I am working on next generation Sims stuff.... stuff you guys won't see until a couple Christmases from now

pixeedust125 (Feb 26, 2004 6:50:01 PM)
are the screenshots of the sims 2 touched up, or is gameplay really that smooth?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:50:01 PM)
We are working on it, but those are screen grabs!

MagicGnome (Feb 26, 2004 6:50:45 PM)
Maxis Dave was Maxis the firest job for you and same for you Maxis Bob

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:50:45 PM)
Nope, my first job was a dishwasher in a steak house in Colorado...yep.

123retsemag (Feb 26, 2004 6:51:02 PM)
Has anyone ever told you guys your the smartest people in the world!!!!!!!!!!! Happy

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:51:02 PM)
Dave and I say that to each other every day...:)

Craizy_Daizy (Feb 26, 2004 6:51:42 PM)
The outfits for the sims 2 look so cute so far! Did you get a kick out of designing thier clothing?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:51:42 PM)
ah yea! It is a gas. Trolling through all the design mags, shows, and getting paid!!!

TMNT12 (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:11 PM)
Do you have a laptop?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:11 PM)
I also have a lap bottom

TrexterZiam (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:12 PM)
If the 3D view includes all three axis at 360 degrees, then, will we be painting ceilings with our Sims as well now?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:12 PM)
no ceilings....

lltytgbr_ (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:37 PM)
whos the nicest person at maxis?

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:37 PM)
The one who pays us.

Small_Time_Sims (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:48 PM)
What colleges or art schools did you guys study at?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:52:48 PM)
CCAC-Dave Bob-Sheridan Collage.

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:04 PM)
COLD BEER. Are you ever inspired by other games. Like their worlds and effects? COLD BEER

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:04 PM)
All the time, also by great works of art, animations, movies....

Fox_Tails (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:19 PM)
Christmases from now?!?!!? I'm sad and mad now....does it mean the game won't be released until a couple of years or what??

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:19 PM)
No no.... Bob has been working on something else not Sims2 related.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:47 PM)
Is it true that we may have BASEMENTS in the game? Or is that a rumor?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:54:47 PM)
foundations, yes, basements no...

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:55:23 PM)
We are working on basements....they don't work yet..but maybe

Pyro (Feb 26, 2004 6:55:47 PM)
Can you make the toilets gold?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:55:47 PM)
what want

EgoBruiser (Feb 26, 2004 6:56:42 PM)
How much more advanced are the computers you work on, compared to the ones the average gamer uses?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:56:42 PM)
We have pretty robust systems so we don't lag while working...

vampiress_kitty (Feb 26, 2004 6:56:47 PM)
Are either of you single? *wink wink*

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 6:56:47 PM)
oh, you vampiresses are all alike....

Mandi4Sims (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:05 PM)
Didn't Luc promise us basements last time?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:05 PM)
We've been trying with basements, but nothing is final yet. We don't know if there will be basements or not.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:22 PM)
how long did it take u to get to were u are at in maxis?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:22 PM)
From bob's desk? 1 minute...

Boberto (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:36 PM)
did you guys enjoy on making the farting drawlings??

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:36 PM)
who wouldn't???

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:59 PM)
I like the way the teenagers look because they look like teens.sims1 teen looked like adualts

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:57:59 PM)
Thank you. It was some doing...

welfycat (Feb 26, 2004 6:58:30 PM)
how do you get employed? I want a job!

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 6:58:30 PM)

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 6:58:52 PM)
did you loosen up the sim's "joints" so that when they walk and stuff, that it won't look so stiff?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 6:58:52 PM)
Our sims are much more reticulated, and the animaotrs are top notch!

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 6:59:08 PM)
Are you chatting from your new EA digs, or the old Walnut Creek place?

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 6:59:08 PM)
We are still at Walnut Creek

challenge1000 (Feb 26, 2004 6:59:22 PM)
when the chat transcripts will be posted?

MaxisMojo (Feb 26, 2004 6:59:22 PM)
Chat transcripts are posted soon after the chat has ended.

Craizy_Daizy (Feb 26, 2004 7:00:09 PM)
Why do all the sims in the screen shots so far look good looking? There have been a few for men, butI dont think there has been a picture with one woman who is not good looking.

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:00:09 PM)
Advertising....With CAS you can make the sim look just about anyway you want.

Marie (Feb 26, 2004 7:00:24 PM)
What is the best thing about your job?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 7:00:24 PM)
The fact that I get to come to work every day and make a game that makes a lot of people very happy

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 7:00:57 PM)
Send of you best questions we have to send MaxisBob and Dave back to work soon

Schweighsr (Feb 26, 2004 7:01:09 PM)
Can you tell us about your favorite furniture styles that you’ve made for TS2? And do I have to mention BEER to get you to pick this question?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:01:09 PM)
NO, you dont...but the style I most enjoyed was the ultra modern! With

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:01:16 PM)
HEY ALL Luc says Hi!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:01:47 PM)
but the modern stuff is near to my heart!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:01:52 PM)

vampiress_kitty (Feb 26, 2004 7:02:28 PM)
When sims fart do you actually see green smoke?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:02:28 PM)
Yes...stinky yuk!

TheSidDog (Feb 26, 2004 7:02:43 PM)
Who's the better artist? Bob, Dave... or me? Wink

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 7:02:44 PM)
you, obvioulsy! look at that winking smiling face!

simmy2sky (Feb 26, 2004 7:03:02 PM)
MAXIS DAVE. How much work do you say you guys complete in an average day?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:03:02 PM)
Depends on what on our plate, some models take weeks, some a few hours....

awesome1 (Feb 26, 2004 7:04:10 PM)
can we intern at the maxis?if so how can we get a job/ what are the requirements they're looking for?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:04:10 PM)
if you are currently in school. We review the you want to be a modeler or animator?

Schweighsr (Feb 26, 2004 7:04:44 PM)
About the new Designer Mode - can any object have any texture, or will each texture be limited to certain objects or, will each object have to get it's own unique textures?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:04:44 PM)
Each object has a unique texture

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 7:04:47 PM)
To find out more information about becoming an intern, visit

MagicGnome (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:26 PM)
Dave and Bob if you were not working for Maxis were would you be working

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:26 PM)
Bob-hotdog on a Drivin' a garbage truck

megsie (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:48 PM)
do you guys enjoy these chats or are they a pain in the butt?

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:48 PM)
Hootin and hollerin good time!

lazygirlchelsea (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:49 PM)
Do you work on weekends?

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 7:05:49 PM)
why,,, is your weekend broken?

mattc (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:03 PM)
is maxis lucky a computer?

MaxisLucky (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:03 PM)
I'd be running algorithyms if I didn't work at Maxis.

Guest (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:11 PM)
I love Maxis dave, he's soooooo sexy

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:11 PM)

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:29 PM)
Well that about wraps up our chat this week with Maxis Art directors Bob King and Dave Patch. We had a great time and hope you did too. Check for the transcripts online

Johnnnnnnn (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:45 PM)
please clarify this, you said there are no ceilings, does that mean when a sim looks up they will see the sky from indoors????

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:06:45 PM)
We are working on that...but ...

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:07:20 PM)
good bye all, way too many questions to get all of them!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:07:46 PM)
thanks much!!

MaxisBob (Feb 26, 2004 7:07:54 PM)
Thanks for all of the intertaining questions.... I have to go back and work on those laughable, loveable little pixel people.... bye!

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:08:03 PM)

maxiskitty (Feb 26, 2004 7:08:07 PM)

MaxisDave (Feb 26, 2004 7:08:08 PM)
your sooooo cute!

26 Feb 2004 - 22:00

Have you ever kissed up someone's arm? Or maybe put a tender kiss on their cheek? Find out how Sims work their magic!

Go To Screenshots

22 Feb 2004 - 22:00

Hello Everyone!

After the big news about Maxis moving last week and a fun Valentine weekend we are back to the grindstone on The Sims 2.

The old adage that clothes make the person may be true, but living spaces speak volumes about an individual as well. For The Sims 2, we're going out of our way to ensure that fans of the game have the power to create interiors that perfectly capture the mood, taste, and persona of the Sims who live there.

We're crafting a series of new objects and design tools that allow customization of individual objects. This will provide the nearly infinite variation to fully unleash your inner interior decorator. You won't believe the sheer power we put in your hands in The Sims 2.

If you don't believe us, check out these screenshots that showcase sophisticated, sexy spaces for your Sims. We have a couple gearing up for a night out (or perhaps they're getting ready for a sensuous night in?) on the town in a warm, stylish bedroom. Check out the soft lighting and sleek, modern appliances of this bathroom, complete with a male Sim luxuriating in a bubble-bath. Feeling peckish? Have a bite with these two Sims as they prepare sandwiches from the earth-toned comfort of their kitchen. Finally, appreciate beauty in all its’ myriad forms with this Sim-in-repose, surrounded by classic elegance as she has her essence, both inner and outer, captured in oils-on-canvas.

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Stay tuned for more details next week!



19 Feb 2004 - 22:40
The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Two new official screenshots!

19 Feb 2004 - 22:30

Maxis Kitty tells us how she selects the Maxis Pick each week.

Tell Me About It!

Maxiskitty’s Definitive Guide to the Maxis Pick!

Ahhh, the Maxis Pick, the weekly bit of community literary genius that graces the bottom corner of the front page every week much to the delight of thousands of readers, the ultimate status mark an Sim Album can achieve. You might wonder, if you are in an inquisitive state of mind, out of all the thousands of Sim albums out there in the wide world of the Sim exchange, how MaxisKitty manages to pick the best one… consistently…every time.

Well the truth is inquiring friends; MaxisKitty is in fact a robot. Yes, it is true, she is a machine created by Maxis much like ServoPro. Except rather then scrubbing scum of virtual people, she skims the exchanges for clever stories. Elaborately programmed algorithms created by Maxis’ top talent allow her to dissect each and every album to its base elements to determine if it will provide maximum “funination” to each and every Sim fan.

As a special treat today Maxis is allowing the players a one time sneak peek into the MaxisKittyPro Maxis Pick Routine.


--> Run MaxisKittyPro Album Pick Routine.

Search for Albums:
MaxisKittyPro scours the Community Showcase section of the Sim Bulletin Boards for the latest stories, looking for ones with a creative premise. Generally an interesting description of a story will catch her eye, sometimes it’s a creative title.

--> If genius story found then stop go to Read Mode.

If MaxisKittyPro cannot find a suitable album within the Community Showcase, she then moves on to the full exchange listing searching by highest viewed, skipping a few hundred to find albums that a number of players have liked but may not have seen as many readings as the most popular albums. She will also search through Sim Pages to find albums that other good writers link to with a review.

--> If genius story found then stop go to Read Mode.

Read Mode:
MaxisKittyPro enters read mode. Each and every perspective story is carefully analyzed. Top criteria for a Maxis Pick story include creativity, engaging dialog and characters, writing style and humor when appropriate. MaxisKittyPro loves all genres but she especially loves topical stories, including current events and themes.

--> If genius story passes Read Mode then stop go to Publishing Mode.

Sadly, sometimes MaxisKittyPro finds an album that would be perfect to highlight as the Maxis Pick but for some reason she stumbles in its publishing routine. Generally such issues arise when MaxisKittyPro runs across naughty language in the middle of a perfectly written, fantastically engaging story! Remember, it may fit the character to speak that way, but swearing is a breaking point in the Maxis Pick Routine.

--> If genius story fails Read Mode then stop return to Search Mode.

Publishing Mode:
Once the perfect album has been chosen, MaxisKittyPro proceeds to publishing. She writes up a catching description and electronically sends all the data to MaxisMojoPro, the program in charge of running the SimDay routine. MaxisKittyPro then switches routines until the next week.

--> If Published then Sleep.

--> End Program.
See the Maxis Picks!

19 Feb 2004 - 22:20

4 new slices of life have been added to the screenshots area. Becoming wealthy sure does pay off!

Show Me The Good Life!

19 Feb 2004 - 22:10

"Another new mode dubbed camera mode, provides you with the opportunity to travel all over the game environment as if you were a Sim."

Go To

The Sims 2 Interview

The most successful PC game franchise of all time is Maxis's The Sims. Will Wright's acclaimed people sim extention of his Sim City ideas has sold countless millions of copies in both full, deluxe and many expansion packs. Now the developer is working hard on the full fledged sequel, The Sims 2, and HomeLAN got a chance to chat with Maxis producer Tim LeTourneau to get more info on the sequel.

HomeLAN - First, how much pressure does the development team have to make a game that is as successful as its predecessor?

Tim LeTourneau - The Sims franchise has had huge success and we definitely have set the bar high for The Sims 2. I wouldn’t call it pressure, but rather, our development team has the desire and drive to make The Sims 2 the first next-generation people simulator.

HomeLAN - Maxis could have continued to create expansion packs to the original Sims. Why was the decision made to create a full blown sequel?

Tim LeTourneau - Our goal was to expand The Sims to a whole new level with The Sims 2 and allow you to immerse yourself in the Sims’ world like never before. We now have more realistic Sims, lifetime gameplay, unstoppable customization, and a whole new 3-D world. These are just a few of the endless features in The Sims 2.

HomeLAN - What were the development team’s main goals in making The Sims 2?

Tim LeTourneau - There are several goals set for our development team, but the main goal is to have our players immerse themselves fully into this next-generation simulation. We’ve created dynamic environments and dynamic Sims, so players will continually be drawn back in to experience something new. The game and gameplay can mean different things to different players, so we want to surprise and entice current Sims players and attract new players as well. These are just a few examples of what we are striving for with The Sims 2 development.

HomeLAN - How much team does Will Wright give to the development of the sequel?

Tim LeTourneau - Will Wright is present in everything that we work on at Maxis. Each of our games are built on concepts and mechanisms that Will has created and imagined. We are fortunate to have him share his ideas in each development process and we enjoy working with him.

HomeLAN - Much has been made of The Sims 2’s storytelling features. What can you tell us at this time about this feature?

Tim LeTourneau - Storytelling has always been one of the coolest aspects of The Sims games. With The Sims 2, we definitely have big plans that expand upon this popular feature. In the new storytelling mode, you can capture pictures during your gameplay experience, create and edit a photo album, add captions, and share the albums with other players via The Sims Exchange on www.thesims2.

Another new mode dubbed camera mode, provides you with the opportunity to travel all over the game environment as if you were a Sim. You will be able to see the expressions and emotions of the Sims who are the stars of your stories. We are also introducing the new movie maker feature which puts you in the director's chair by letting you create your very own Sim videos. The movie maker comes complete with custom settings so you can create the best footage with your computer. Combined with the new camera abilities, movie maker will let you produce stories that are more dramatic, cinematic and entertaining than ever before. There are extraordinary stories out there that no one but the storytellers can possible imagine and we can’t wait to hear them!

HomeLAN - How much more customization will The Sims 2 have in terms of creating the actual Sims?

Tim LeTourneau - We have focused a great deal on the customization capabilities in The Sims 2 and are looking forward to see what you create. Create a Sim is incredible and amazingly detailed, all the way down to the Sims’ DNA, their nose size and shape, width of their mouth, and the eye color selection. You have complete control over how your Sims look as well as how they will act. You can set their personalities, aspirations, and relationships. You may even spend hours just creating your Sim!

We also wanted to give you more control over how your Sims’ neighborhood develops, offer more architectural options when building a house, and provide the option to create community lots that all Sims from the neighborhood can visit.

HomeLAN - What sorts of new situations and environments will be seen in the sequel that was not possible to put into the original?

Tim LeTourneau - The fact that there are now six age ranges for your Sims and they have awareness of their familial relationships, gives way for more dynamic and dysfunctional behavior. Imagine the family chaos that could result when Dad comes back after an alien abduction.

HomeLAN - How has the AI been improved for the sequel?

Tim LeTourneau - The Sims are more intelligent, aware, and responsive to other Sims and their environment. With new facial expressions, body animations, and the ability to pass on genetic traits from generation to generation, the Sims have really come to life. They understand their relationships and act accordingly. Your Sims will have memories, so their past experiences can influence their future behavior. For example, if a Sim witnesses another Sim experiencing a critical life moment, they can respond to that, as well as gossip about it to others. This alone creates a much richer set of relationships than previously seen in the original Sims game.

HomeLAN - What other gameplay features in The Sims 2 do you think are important?

Tim LeTourneau - Something really cool we’ve done for The Sims 2 is revamp the build and buy modes. This is one of the features where you can spend a tremendous amount of game time and use your creativity. You can also get lost in creativity with design mode where you can build in 3D, create decks and foundations, manipulate lighting, and decorate objects on the fly.

HomeLAN - What can you tell us about the graphics engine for the sequel and how it compares to the original?

Tim LeTourneau - The Sims 2 has had a complete graphical overhaul featuring a fully 3D environment that is more lifelike and dynamic. We are now allowing you to view and play the game from any angle and zoom in close to see every last detail from the expression on your Sims’ face to food on the table. Instead of feeling like you are looking down from a bird’s eye view, it now feels like you are in the room with the Sims.

We’ve also given the Sims a more complex skeleton that permits a new level of realistic motion. The old paddle-hands have been replaced with articulated fingers, and the rigidity of their faces have been replaced with animated and communicative expressions. Your Sims’ hair and clothing can also move so it gives a subtle feeling of life that is really fun to see.

HomeLAN - How much support will Maxis give to people who want to create mods for the game?

Tim LeTourneau - Player made content creation and easy access to content made my others is a core feature of The Sims 2. There will be various tools available to allow the community to customize virtually every element in the game, from clothing to hairstyles to the furniture in the homes. We have put in a great deal of effort to make this a more seamless aspect of the game as well. You will be able to drop new content into the game and use it immediately, rather than pour thru directory structures to do achieve this same goal.

HomeLAN - Will there be a demo of The Sims 2 released before the game is sent to stores?

Tim LeTourneau - There are no current plans for this at this time, but we will keep you posted!

HomeLAN - What is the current status of the game’s progress and when will it be sent to stores?

Tim LeTourneau - The game is coming along great and you can expect it to be release in the second half of 2004.

HomeLAN - Is it safe to say that expansion packs for the game are in the works?

Tim LeTourneau - There are no current plans for this at this time.

HomeLAN - Finally, is there anything else you wish to say about The Sims 2 at this time?

Tim LeTourneau - We are really looking forward to getting the game into the player’s hands!

19 Feb 2004 - 22:00

Maxis is putting it’s nose to the grindstone working on The Sims 2, so starting this week Sim Chats will occur every other week. Tune in Thurs February 26 at 3pm PST for the next Sims Chat!

19 Feb 2004 - 22:00

Maxis is putting it’s nose to the grindstone working on The Sims 2, so starting this week Sim Chats will occur every other week. Tune in Thurs February 26 at 3pm PST for the next Sims Chat!

15 Feb 2004 - 22:00
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

5 New screenshots from GamersHell



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