
Sims News

5 Feb 2004 - 22:00

We have some new buildings for you to look at and some new careers as well. Plus we have 2 new shots of female and male Sims.

See the shots.

2 Feb 2004 - 22:00

Hello everyone.

Let's get straight to what is on everyone's mind, the change in ship date for The Sims 2.

As you are all aware, The Sims 2 ship date has been moved to the latter half of 2004. We have heard from an enormous amount of you and your communications have been zealous. We fully understand your disappointment and frustration. The fact that you are all so passionate is both inspiring and encouraging to the production team and means we must be on the right track with the game.

I can't overstate the fact that it is a huge undertaking to produce the next generation of the #1 PC game of all time. As our most valued fans of the franchise, you all understand better than everyone else what those expectations are. As we said on the website, the bar has been set extremely high.

This decision was an incredibly difficult one but the best for us to make. We have learned through past experience, that a game is ready when it is ready. In the coming months, we will be polishing the game in order to fulfill our ultimate product vision. We know you are excited about what you have seen to date but, let me tell you, the best is yet to come.

This week, we thought we would share with you some new images from The Sims 2. We recently asked our fans what they would like to see most. These shots demonstrate the power of the building tools, as well as some exciting new careers options in The Sims 2.

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Keep your eye out for more of the most requested screens in the future.

Finally, I wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your support. We have all been in this together from the beginning. We value all of your contributions and know that, together, we will make The Sims 2, the best game of all time.

Stay tuned for more details next week!

That's all for now.



29 Jan 2004 - 22:40

Move over Dance Dance Revolution, we're sharing the spotlight with you as best family game of the year!

See it on

29 Jan 2004 - 22:30

Who is this Sim Brother and who gave him that Asian money? Find out who his dream fooseball partner is and more in our interview with ChEeTaH from

Read the interview.

29 Jan 2004 - 22:20

Modern, Japanese and Eastern themes are shown in 3 new screenshots. Head on over to the screenshots section to view these fabulous new interiors.

See the shots.

29 Jan 2004 - 22:10

"EA will ship The Sims 2 in the later half of Calandar Year '04."

Read the announcement.

29 Jan 2004 - 22:00

The Maxoids are all packed up and ready to roll! We won’t be holding a chat event this week on the Sims site, instead we are taking a virtual school bus for a field trip over to The Sims Resource to hang out in their chat room. Chat with MaxisLucky, Maxiskitty, MaxisDano and MaxisMojo at the Sims Resource site this Thursday at 11am PST.

Go to!

29 Jan 2004 - 22:00

The Maxoids are all packed up and ready to roll! We won’t be holding a chat event this week on the Sims site, instead we are taking a virtual school bus for a field trip over to The Sims Resource to hang out in their chat room. Chat with MaxisLucky, Maxiskitty, MaxisDano and MaxisMojo at the Sims Resource site this Thursday at 11am PST.

Go to!

27 Jan 2004 - 22:00

Moderator Anja is in gesprek geweest met Pippi.

Nita: Anja hoe was je gesprek met Pippi?
Anja: Erg wazig! Maar goed, lees het maar voor jezelf.

Naar het interview!

The Sims

Hey hallo daar! Anja hier en ik ben vandaag in gesprek met Pippi.

Anja: Pippi welkom. Pippi vertel eens wat meer over jezelf.
Pippi: Zoek, zoek, zoek. Ik moet het vinden!! Zoeken, zoeken, zoeken.

Anja: Pippi?? Alles goed?
Pippi: Ik heb het erg druk nu. Ik ben me aan het voorbereiden op de mega zoektocht. Maar eerst moeten de mensen mij weten te vinden.

Anja: Waar kunnen mensen je dan vinden?
Pippi: Ik ben elke dag aanwezig op dé Nederlandse Sims site. Daar sta ik paraat in het gedeelte boven het forum.

Anja: En wat doe je daar dan?
Pippi: Ik help mensen met het vinden van informatie, zodat ze er niet aldoor om hoeven te vragen. Maar ja, als ze mij niet kunnen vinden, is dat erg vervelend. Mensen moeten dan mensen wijzen op de artikelen die mensen al eerder hebben gemenst. Eh wat zeg ik nou geschreven bedoel ik.

Anja: Ik heb nog wat persoonlijke vragen. Is Pippi je volledige naam?
Pippi: Pippilotta Simtualia Rolsimgordijna Kruizesimolean Efraïmsimdochter Langsimmia is mijn volledige naam

Anja: Charmante naam... Hoe oud ben je?
Pippi: Mmm, dat kan ik niet vinden met de zoekfunctie van mezelf…Uhh, ik geloof net niet volwassen volgens het na pippi-leeftijd systeem.

Anja: Juist ja... En is die haar kleur van jezelf?
Pippi: Nee, dit heeft Meneer Nielson gedaan. Hij geeft ook mijn haarstijl de juiste verzorging. Hij gebruikt daarvoor altijd behangplaksel.

Anja: Ben je familie van Pippi Langkous?
Pippi: Nee, ik ben geen familie van Pippi Langkous, ze is mijn nichtje.

Anja: Pippi bedankt voor dit eh... verhelderende interview.

24 Jan 2004 - 22:00

Hello Everyone,

It's been another busy week here at Maxis for The Sims 2 Development Team. And I had a great time with the chat yesterday... (Loved that 3some question...)

Here at Maxis, we are battling the "post holiday" blues. Every January, most people are bitten by the "home improvement bug" and are inspired to tackle house décor projects to combat the melancholy. The Sims in The Sims 2 are no different. Embracing this theme, I thought I'd update you as to the new "Décor Collections" for building and decorating your dream home or living space in The Sims 2.

In The Sims 2, decorating reaches new heights of style and sophistication. You will be now be able to choose objects for your Sims' environment from a dozen new décor styles. The game will include a variety of themed style collections that include Asian, Modern and Moroccan. The collections will include furniture, accessories, and wall and floor treatments from each specific theme. Players will also be able to add, delete, or create new objects within these collections or create an entirely new collection. We imagine that players will enjoy creating and sharing their own decor collections with one another. Who needs those home decorating shows when you have The Sims 2?

Here are a few screenshots that show off rooms decorated with three
different decor collections including Asian, Modern and Moroccan.

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

In case you didn't catch my live chat yesterday on the website, be sure
check out the transcripts at

More to come next week!





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