
Sims News

24 Mar 2014 - 19:47

My celebration nails today! :D


10 years!!

Woah, there is it. SNW is 10 years old today. If you would have told me about this 10 years ago I would have laughed and would not have believed you. But it's quite a milestone. I'll repeat it again. SNW is 10 years old today. Well, officially anyway. I started in January 2004 I think, preparing the website and content. And somewhere in March I opened up the site. But I never officially opened or anything. So at some point, about a year later, I thought to myself... When did I actually start? I should have an official date or something. So that's when I decided it would be the 24th. And if you were to go on the forums and look at my oldest posts there, those are from September, or even August 2003? Because I've actually had fansites since 2000. But it was just different with SNW. Clearly, cause SNW is still here :D Despite some bad times when we lost nearly everything. I didn't give up (but it has been hard at times). I managed to get back up on my feet and I started doing again what I love so much. Creating stuff and putting it on my fansite haha. I just love being part of this community. So here's to at least 10 more!! :D



As for the giveaway. Some of you may have heard that I was planning to go a giveaway for the 10th anniversary. There will still be one. However, all the stuff I am supposed to giveaway isn't here yet. I was planning to do a video to show all the prizes I'd be giving away. But yeah not much to show now so... I'll do that later for sure. Happy



I've asked if people would be interested in a Q&A video on my channel, and people actually are! So if you have any questions about SNW (or something else you want to say, that's fine too) just comment below this post, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.



I'd just like to point out that without a loving community, I probably would have stopped my fansite a long time ago. I'm glad to be part of this community. I'm glad I met and meet so many people and made a lot of friends. It's mostly because of The Sims and because of my site. That's just really special to me, and it's something I think about a lot. So, basically. Thank you. Thank you for being a visitor, a member, a fan, a follower, a subscriber, a friend. xoxo Rosie

24 Mar 2014 - 13:28

Het heeft eventjes geduurd, maar de winnaars van de Sims Fotoboek wedstrijd zijn bekend! De mensen die via SNW hebben meegedaan en hebben gewonnen zijn Djerano Sadiek en Marlies Stienstra! EA zal later vandaag per e-mail contact met jullie opnemen voor jullie adresgegevens. Zij zullen het fotoboek ook naar jullie opsturen! Gefeliciteerd namens SNW! :D

Hier zijn de inzendingen die hebben gewonnen:

Djerano Sadiek


Marlies Stienstra

22 Mar 2014 - 03:23

SimGuruCopeland posted another picture of the upcoming store set! I have this feeling it has something to do with bread. Hmmm bakery?

Something to chew on this weekend. So ends the week of décor. @SimGuruTatertot will have something sweeter next week!

21 Mar 2014 - 23:00

SimGuruSarah shared two new University Life concept arts:

By request, concept art from the "Nerd Dorm" in The Sims 3 University!

20 Mar 2014 - 23:06
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Special thanks to Alexis from SimsVIP for the find!

Here are 30 screenshots from yesterday's class about The Sims 4 which took place at GDC. Please note that all the screenshots are from alpha software. And these aren't your average screenshots either. But it's something! Finally! Anything! Haha.

In real life, people often do several things at the same time, but games typically limit agents to performing actions sequentially. For The Sims 4, we developed a system for authoring interactions that allows simulated people (called Sims) to express multiple concurrent behaviors.

Interactions are largely data-driven and are defined in terms of constraints, which specify the state a Sim must be in to perform the interaction. Constraints are used to test whether interactions are compatible, and to drive decisions that Sims make about whether, how and where to perform an interaction.

This system allows Sims in The Sims 4 to convincingly eat, watch TV, chat with other Sims, express emotion, and perform many more behaviors simultaneously. We believe that this powerful and simple technique could be applied to a similar effect in your game too.

See this and more (such as a PDF) on the GDC Vault!

20 Mar 2014 - 22:39
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The new Featured Look is here! It's called Villa Paraíso. It's a Featured Look, which means it's a set containing various items from various sets, and it comes with a villa as well. Epic win!

The price is 2,925 SimPoints, and the set contains 41 items.

Whether your Sim is lounging by the crystal clear pool or taking in the opulence of the indoor waterfall, nothing says "contemporary conquistador" quite like living in Villa Paraíso.

I'm particularly happy with this set, because I already own 27 items, so I can get some new items and a cool new lot! Woot!

View and buy/download Villa Paraíso!

20 Mar 2014 - 09:01

Yesterday I posted about a new upcoming Featured Look on the Sims 3 Store. A little after that, SimGuruTaterTot posted another picture!

SimGuruCopeland: @SimGuruTatertot That picture is cool, but you should show the whole villa!


SimGuruTaterTot: On it, @SimGuruCopeland Get ready for Paraiso.

19 Mar 2014 - 23:45

SimGuruTaterTot just tweeted this picture, which as you can see from the icon in the corner is a new Featured Look. I can't wait to see what's in this Featured Look! :D

This must be just like living in #featuredlook

19 Mar 2014 - 21:06
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SimGuruSarah posted 4 new concept arts on Twitter just now, all from The Sims 3: University Life. See them below:

By request, some concept art from The Sims 3 University! This is for the "Preppy Dorm" 1/4


By request, some concept art from The Sims 3 University! This features objects from the "Preppy Dorm" theme. 2/4


By request, some concept art from The Sims 3 University! This is full color concept for crests. 3/4


By request, some concept art from The Sims 3 University! Some additional concepts for the crests. 4/4

19 Mar 2014 - 20:51

Yummm more cookies. And a pie! And books? I always love more books!! A can of... stuff. And a kitchen timer it appears. I think we're getting a food/kitchen related set. :D I know I'm not supposed to but here it goes... I'm hoping for a bakery!!! Yes, I know. I'll shut up now. :P

That cookie jar comes in a variety of flavors. Plus other new décor items including the Perfect Plastic Pie! #nomnom



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