Because I have so much to say about why I'm changing things, I shared the above images on socials. There is no way I could have really explained all of this in just a tweet, toot, thread or post. However, for the visually impaired, alt text is really important, and this would also be too long for that. So I decided to add everything I had to say in the images to this blog post, so everyone can read it. Furthermore I added a list of current, recently changed and future socials for SimsNetwork below.
Hubby and myself are currently enjoying some time off from work. And what are we doing in our spare time! Why, play old games like Spore of course. And as for myself, I’m also working on updating SporeNetwork again. New design (with the old 2005 design colours!) and I’m working on getting my old creations on the site.
For those of you following me on Twitch, I recently made some changes to my Twitch channel. The biggest and most obvious one being, my new name! Which is RosieSoCosy. 😍