
Photos in The Sims 2 Scoop newsletter

Saturday, April 24, 2004 - 23:30

April has been an exciting month for The Sims 2 team as we prepare to head to the biggest show of the year in interactive entertainment: the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3. Every year, tens of thousands head to Los Angeles to witness the latest advances, marvels, and flat-out gorgeous eye candy that the industry has to offer.
The Sims 2 is set to make a splash at this year's E3, with new videos, a massive mural of characters waiting to greet entrants, animated billboards, and demos ready to show off new features. The team will be showing off some truly realistic Sims, as they guide each Sim through life with a purpose and experience their big life moments. We'd love to reveal more, but plans are top secret; you'll have to tune in for the next issue to see. In the meantime, we'll let you have an inside look at some Sims starring in this year's E3:

The Sims 2

Maxis has been hard at work on making The Sims 2 shine for E3 2004. When we're not polishing this game to perfection, we're still busy moving into our new home at EA Redwood Shores, EA's international headquarters. The halls are decked, the dust has settled, and our Sim sense of style is now a permanent fixture on the EA campus. We took some pics of our new workspace to show you all where the magic happens:

The Sims 2


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