
EA - News

Resie is back in The Netherlands, and she has a lot to tell us!

Continue reading!

The Simscommunity gave Graciesim (Resie) the opportunity to travel to the exclusive SIMposium in Redwood City on behalf of Simparool.

When she gets back, she'll write an extensive report about everything she has experienced!

Graciesim has already sent us a message, read here what she has done in Redwood City and... who she has met...

The Dutch Sims community has turned all Valentine themed today! The mayors can tell you all about this special day on the community!

Read all about it on the frontpage of the community.

This week it's exactly five years ago that the first Sims game ("The Sims") was in stores. We need to celebrate this of course on the Sims site!

By participating with the contest on this website, you could win an exclusive "Complete collection of The Sims" edition, signed by Tim LeTourneau!

The winner of the contest is:

Wieke from Gieten!

Congratulations! We'll send you the exclusive Simbox signed by Tim LeTourneau as soon as possible!

February 14 it's that time of the year again, time to let your (secret) love know how special they are. You can do this in many ways: give them flowers, a tasty box of chocolates... or send a Sims Valentine's greet!

The fun part of a Sims Valentine's greeting, is that you can win something with it too! The coolest Valentine's greeting will be rewarded with an exclusive Sims mouse. We'll also give out three Sims pencil cases. has been looking for a new Belgian moderator the past few weeks, and they have found one!

There were plenty of applications, and the mayors would like to thank all the people who responded!

The new moderator is Justmieke. She will be helping out the current team of moderators.

Justmieke: Congratulations!

Tim LeTourneauTim LeTourneau, senior producer van De Sims 2 komt naar Nederland en België; 10 community leden zullen erbij zijn!

Zoals jullie onlangs op deze site hebben kunnen lezen, brengt Tim LeTourneau (senior producer van De Sims 2) op 5 en 6 januari een bezoek aan Nederland (Amsterdam) en België (Brussel).

Tim LeTourneauTim LeTourneau, Senior Producer van De Sims 2, zal op 5 januari in Nederland aanwezig zijn en op 6 januari zal hij België bezoeken!

Tijdens zijn bezoek zal hij meer vertellen over de allereerste Expansion Pack voor De Sims 2.

Electronic Arts will be conducting focus groups that will discuss The Sims video games on the evening of Thursday, November 11, in Encino, California. If you own The Sims Bustin Out, The Sims Get A Life, or The Sims 2 and are interested in participating, we invite you to come to our facility for a two-hour group to talk about your experiences with The Sims. If you qualify, the discussion will last approximately two hours and you will be paid $75.

The Sims 2

Jullie hebben de Sim Will Wright Van LeeRoyNR09 met 1167 stemmen verkozen tot de leukste inzending!

Daarom wint hij het unieke Sims beeldje! Gefeliciteerd!

Neem snel een kijkje op de pagina van de Sims Creation Contest...

Naar de Sims Creation Contest



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