
EA - News

Electronic Arts will be conducting focus groups that will discuss The Sims video games on the evening of Thursday, August 19, in Encino, California.

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EA Announces The Sims 2 Special Limited Edition DVD Available Through Pre-order Sale. The DVD includes full version of the PC game plus exciting bonus content including expert tips and film making 101.

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Hi Everyone!

The coming week is a major milestone for The Sims 2, and things have hotted up here in the Maxis office! The entire Sims 2 team is focused with a laser-like clarity on making sure that The Sims 2 demo that the public sees at next week's vast landscape of video gaming bliss, The Electronic Entertainment Expo, stands heads, shoulders, and plumb-bob's above the competition! Stay tuned for more information on interviews with yours truly on IGN, and a live interview with The Man Behind The Curtain, Will Wright, on Gamespot

Doe mee aan de prijsvragen, win leuke prijzen en laat je verrassen door de leuke dingen die we nog allemaal in petto hebben de komende weken!

Vanaf morgen, 1 april, om twee uur 's middags is het zover. Dan begint het echte feest op de grootste The Sims community van de Benelux!

Houd de website dus goed in de gaten!

Maxis is moving this week from Walnut Creek to Redwood Shores, and as it happens I am also personally moving to new endeavors. Since I have kept all of you in the loop on everything that happens at Maxis, I wanted to make sure you knew it first before any public announcement in the next few weeks.

There will be no SimDay next week due to the fact that Maxis is moving to EA's Redwood City campus. However, SimDay will return the following Thursday, April 1st where we plan on providing a slew of truthful, honest information.

When we started situating employees in our break rooms, we knew something had to change...

Moving news.



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