
Store - News

MultiTab 6000 (premium content for The Sims 3)

Oh hello all! Another review? They just keep on coming hey? Well I don't hear anyone complaining so… I'll just continue to do what I'm good at haha. This time I'm going to tell about and show the MultiTab 6000. Curious? Well then, continue to read! Happy

Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine (premium content for The Sims 3)

Today I have a surprise for you! I combined two reviews into one. I was actually going to write two separate reviews, one for the Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and one for the Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine. The reason I'm combining them? Well just continue to read and you'll find out quickly enough!

The Hypnotizer (premium content for The Sims 3)

Some time ago I received the Hypnotizer so I could write a review. I did play with it and made screens and videos. But before I could use them, the computer died, as you may have read in a couple of other posts. Small disclaimer in advance, I have a couple of UI images in English and some others in Dutch. Due to some issues I was unable to make screenshots of everything in each language, but you'll get the idea. Anyway, here it is. I finally managed to finish this mini review. Enjoy. And please leave a comment when you're done reading. Happy

The Not So Routine Machine (premium content for The Sims 3)

Time for another (mini) review! A couple of months ago I received The Not So Routine Machine for reviewing purposes! Although I love these mini reviews myself, it wasn't a good time for me. I moved in April and am now in a half finished home haha. Also my computer died recently (has been repaired so it's all good now). Because of the move, it's really hectic and I barely have time to spend online. This week though I decided to take a break from all the decorating and stuff. So now I present to you, the mini review of The Not So Routine Machine! Enjoy! And leave a comment when you're done reading. I love to hear your thoughts.

The Sims Studio announced a new world for The Sims 3:

We’re so excited and proud to announce our upcoming world, Lucky Palms! This world is one our favorites and if you stay with us we’ll show you all of the reasons we love it and more!

Double Down! Spin the Wheel! It's time to test your luck at the brand new venue from The Sims 3 Store: The Lucky Simoleon Casino!

Escape the drudgery of daily life and try your hand at some good old fashioned gambilng! When your Sim visits The Lucky Simoleon casino, the odds are that they'll have a fantastic time!

Haven't had the chance to experience the Full Barnacle bay Adventure? Now you can!
Barnacle Bay is back in the store as a Super Special SimPoint Bundle. Head to the SimPoint Bundle page and you'll be able to find Barnacle Bay + 100 SimPoints for $20 (USD).

The next in line of our World Inspirations is beautiful Cambodia! The Kingdom of Cambodia Bed and Bath Collection adds beautiful textures to your Sims' home. Create luxurious bedrooms and bathroom with the artistic influences of Angkor and wake up your appreciation for the rich culture and traditions of the ancient Khmer Empire.

With the Kingdom of Cambodia Bed and Bath Collection, your Sims are in for the royal treatment!

To install this update, please start your game and use the “Downloads” tab in your Launcher.

This Store update includes the following changes:



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