
Store - News

We may need to do a couple of extra screenshots today. Let's start with those chandeliers!

Hey Simmers! We’ve got good news and bad news.

Let’s get the bad news out of the way first.

Unfortunately the L Shaped Stairs ran into a rather large issue (bug) when used with the L-Shaped Stairs from the Dance Studio. We wanted to make sure we took the time to sort this problem out properly, so we will be pulling the new L-Shaped Stairs from this release. Don’t worry, I don’t think that’s the last we will see of them.

...And Now.

Our first look at the venue for #ThenAndNow!

Pics of the banister that matches the curved stairs, the porch railing and the new Dead Hedge.

Even some of the artwork takes a darker tone between Now & Then #NowAndThen

Look at the windows, they used to look new and shiny, now they're all boarded up. #Now&Then

Ahhhh this is so cool! Give us this set already EA!

The Now & Then Century Manor is a home set in its prime and then 100 yrs later. #Now&Then

Day or night the Mansard Roof Kit will make all of your 2nd Empire building dreams come true




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