
Store - News

Can you tell that I'm excited? SimGuruTaterTot shared this picture earlier tonight on Twitter. And if this doesn't say "bakeries" then I don't know what will!

We've got something sweet for you and it's in the shape of pies, cookies, and cupcakes! #lifeissweet

SimGuruTaterTot shared a new screen of the upcoming store set last night, but it was already too late for me so I decided to post it this morning. More bakery goodness. I really, really, really, really hope it's a bakery. Please, let it be a bakery. Okay done now. Enjoy!

care to join me for a sweet afternoon snack?

SimGuruCopeland posted another picture of the upcoming store set! I have this feeling it has something to do with bread. Hmmm bakery?

The new Featured Look is here! It's called Villa Paraíso. It's a Featured Look, which means it's a set containing various items from various sets, and it comes with a villa as well. Epic win!

The price is 2,925 SimPoints, and the set contains 41 items.

Whether your Sim is lounging by the crystal clear pool or taking in the opulence of the indoor waterfall, nothing says "contemporary conquistador" quite like living in Villa Paraíso.

Yesterday I posted about a new upcoming Featured Look on the Sims 3 Store. A little after that, SimGuruTaterTot posted another picture!

SimGuruCopeland: @SimGuruTatertot That picture is cool, but you should show the whole villa!


SimGuruTaterTot: On it, @SimGuruCopeland Get ready for Paraiso.

SimGuruTaterTot just tweeted this picture, which as you can see from the icon in the corner is a new Featured Look. I can't wait to see what's in this Featured Look! :D

Yummm more cookies. And a pie! And books? I always love more books!! A can of... stuff. And a kitchen timer it appears. I think we're getting a food/kitchen related set. :D I know I'm not supposed to but here it goes... I'm hoping for a bakery!!! Yes, I know. I'll shut up now. :P

SimGuruCopeland posted a new image on Twitter. It appears we're getting (decorative) cookies in a jar. Hmmm!

There is a discussion on the forums about favorite decor item. Here's a sneak peak of one of my new favs coming soon!

Remember how I made a superrrrrrrrr long informative post about the upcoming store set? Well that set is the Bohemian Garden set. My site has been giving me a massive headache lately when i try to post news. It randomly removes chunks of text and images, especially when I try to translate things. I'm not kidding, this site's news section sucks so much. Really hope we can sort that out soon. To the point though. The Bohemian Garden set has been released, there were some issues which caused a delay. But it's finally here, available to buy and download! See all the screens below.

There is a new Featured Look in the store, but I was (and still am) sick, so I kinda forgot to post about it. A Featured Look is a set that contains items from several other sets, to create a whole new look. Unfortunately I already owned everything in this new Featured Look (or should I be happy about that? Lol). Anyway I ended up downloaded the featured look anyway, because this one comes with a ready made room for you to place on your lots.

The Monarch Suite contains 28 items and the price is 1,300 SimPoints!



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