
Store - News

Happy Valentines Day 2014!

There is a new free store set available! Get it while it's hot!

@SimGuruCopeland was I the only one that was so surprised by how many people guessed it? Here's the final pic!

SimGuruTaterTot released a new store sneak preview, of which there have been a few before. The previous ones were not exactly clear. But the way they Photoshopped the image was very fitting, as this seems to be about blowing glass. As you can see this preview also has a bit of a stained glass effect. :D

This holiday season, we are celebrating a fantastic year with 12 days of gifts! Check back every day from December 19, 2013 to December 31, 2013 for a free gift! As you collect your surprise, make sure you check the sales category too! We’re going to be rotating one exciting item EVERY day so you’ll never know what you might get!

I know I shared some of the screenshots Alan Copeland shared through Twitter, but my website is giving me a bit of a headache atm, not showing all the screens inside posts. And since there have been a couple of new ones since the last time I posted I decided to group the screens here:

So this happened earlier this week, but I was just too busy with personal stuff. Anyway this is a new feature on the official website. These are custom "looks" for your Sims houses. These aren't new sets. Just a styled collection of several items from several sets. If you own some of the items already, the "look" will be cheaper to purchase. And if you buy the entire look anew, the remaining items from sets will also be cheaper with the Complete Your Collection feature. I kind of like this new feature. Too bad I already own most of the sets on the store.

There is a new venue available at The Sims 3 Store! I bought it. I'm not sure if I have time to show it to you this week though, as I'm very busy. But it looks cool.

The price is 1,900 SimPoints, but it's on sale for 1,700 SimPoints until October 25!

The premium content is the Door of Life and Death!

And they keep on sending hints through Twitter. This time it's SimGuruTaterTot:

#SecretCrypt 10/17

I really wonder what all of this means. MOARRRRR HINTS PLEASE! :P



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