
Store - News

Yesterday SimGuruCopeland hinted something on Twitter:

#Reincarnated 10/17

And today there is a new hint:

#MonsterUnderThePorch 10/17

There is a new set in The Sims 3 Store. It's called One with Nature and it's pretty cool. A mixture between modern and nature! I already bought it, and might create a cute modern fairy house, when I find the time. Happy

One with Nature contains 24 new items. It has both furniture and clothing items, some of which for kids and teens! The normal price for the set is 1,200 SimPoints, but it's on sale until October 11 for 975 SimPoints!

Check out the screenshot for @SimGuruSparkle's hint yesterday!

SimGuruSmitty (Lisa) just tweeted SimGuruSparkle's screen of the new world they're working on!

Are the chickens and horses lonely on your Sim's farm? Enter the Farm Fresh Folk Set with the Milkin' It Dairy Corral and your problems are solved! In addition to cows (YES, COWS!), you'll get a whole new set of pioneer-inspired clothing and home decor to help you create the perfect farm! Your Sims are one step closer to self-sufficient living...

This just appeared on the official forums. Join #TheMOOvement!

This is probably one of the most anticipated sets and who can disagree? Everyone loves cows! Designer Copeland shares all the fun things about cows below. Make sure to check back on Thursday, September 5th to be the first to get a cow!

A few weeks ago I sent out a Tweet that said, “Guess what? I’ve got a fever…” well today I’m here to tell you that the only prescription is more cowbell!

Excited for The Sims 4? Decorate your room with this awesome poster!

Woooo the new store set is out now!

In this place the old and the new blend together timelessly. It is a land of breathtaking design and stunning explosions of color. Find your inspiration again with Dreams of India.



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