Specials: My family in The Sims 4

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So the first thing I tried when I entered Create a Sim in the full version of The Sims 4, was download my own Sim and my partner's Sim. And I used the genetics to create our son in the game. To be fair I did edit his face a little, but not too much. The moment I uploaded my family though, the people on the gallery went nuts, and a lot of fansites posted my Sim (and those of other creators) without mentioning our names. So much for a scoop huh? But yeah this is my first full family in The Sims 4! I've shown it to my son (who this is based on) and he couldn't stop laughing, he was so happy! He could see himself in the Sim as well. So I think I did well!
I also edited my Sim a little. Gave her a normal hairdo (plain brown hair). And I edited her top. It's something I would wear in real life too.
And here's my partner, I have shown a pic of him before (on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter)
And of course, here's our son. Isn't he cute? Also, I **LOVE** that Freezer Bunny shirt. It's so cool!
I can't wait until I can download my own family again and play with it. I already played with them at Creator's Camp. A post about that is coming soon!