Specials: The Sims 4: Creator's Camp!
Saturday, August 2, 2014 - 23:38

Here is a list of all my Creator's Camp articles, blogs, vlogs, and videos!
There is a bit of a delay, due to the fact that I have a jetlag and I only got my screens and videos the day after our embargo ended (and I rely on my screens for my articles, on top of that I need to edit a lot of videos)
- Day 1 | Info: Creator's Camp Attendants!
- Day 1 | Blog: Flight and Welcome
- Day 1 | Vlog: The Goodie Bag
- Day 1 | Blog: Visiting San Francisco!
- Day 2 | Info: Rewards
- Day 2 | Soon
- Day 2 | Soon
- Day 2 | Info: Skills and Books
- Day 2 | Creation: Mid-Century Modern House
- Day 2 | Blog: The Grimmy, Scrambled Eggs with Cheese, and Sprinklers
- Day 2 | Vlog: EA Store Haul
- Day 3 | Soon
- Day 3 | Soon
- Day 3 | Soon
- Day 3 | Creation: My Family in The Sims 4
- Day 3 | Video: My Family in The Sims 4
- Day 3 | Vlog: Gifts 'n Stuff
- Day 3 | Soon
- Day 4 | Video: If You're Going To San Francisco
- Day 4 | Soon
- Day 4 | Creation: My real life house in The Sims 4
- Day 4 | Video: My real life house in The Sims 4
- Day 4 | Video: Cupcake Factory
- Day 4 | Video: Motion Gaming Rig
- Day 5 | Soon
- Day 5 | Video: Rocket Building
- Day 5 | Info: Willow Creek
- Day 5 | Info: Oasis Springs
- Day 5 | Soon
- Day 5 | Soon
- Day 5 | Soon