
Producer Blogs: How We Built San Myshuno in The Sims 4 City Living

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 11:00

Sul Sul! We’re delighted you decided to join us today for our quick, informal tour of San Myshuno, the new World in The Sims 4 City Living* Expansion Pack. Watch your step and let's get going! 

The Sims 4: City Living screenshot

San Myshuno was inspired first and foremost by diversity. We knew we wanted a diverse, vibrant, modern city where you might see people of Indian, Arab, Japanese, African, and other ethnicities. We wanted to create a colorful melting pot inspired by different cultural canvasses. We initially drew inspiration from Asian cities like Shanghai and Tokyo, but they were too intense with the lights, and felt a bit too focused on single cultural groups. Then, we looked to coastal cities like Vancouver, San Francisco, New York, and Sydney, as places known to host hugely distinct cultures in unique neighborhoods.

San Myshuno is divided into four neighborhoods inspired by different cultures and offer different activities, apartments, and festivals for your Sims. Let’s visit each quickly, shall we?

The Sims 4: City Living screenshot

The Spice Market - A comfortable, old neighborhood marked by its distinct brownstone apartments and colorful mosaics. We were inspired by Indian colors and visual elements for this neighborhood. The Spice Market is the home of the Spice Festival, which is the perfect place to sample foods from different cultures (while also obliterating your Sim’s taste buds with spice!). There are some very affordable starter apartments here, and your Sims will certainly enjoy themselves in a pickup game of basketball, or spraying some graffiti with friends.

The Arts Quarter - Practically a sculpture itself, and is one of our more beautiful neighborhoods. Those who have been to San Francisco might recognize elements of the Yerba Buena Center across the street from the SF Museum of Modern Art. The art museum here in San Myshuno is really top notch, and aspiring musicians will seek their next tip here near the food stands. The Lantern Festival will pop up in the Arts Quarter from time to time, which is great, as it’s the perfect place for your Sims to view the fireworks!

The Sims 4: City Living screenshot

The Fashion District - We're definitely moving up the economic ladder here, but it offers truly spectacular views and neighborhood entertainments! Be ready to pay a stiffer price in rent if your Sims move in here. The Fashion District and Uptown are both inspired by the high-tech high rises of cities like Tokyo and Shanghai. The Fashion District is the home of the lively (and sometimes unruly!) Planet Sing-Pop, where vocal hopefuls go to belt out the latest tunes with friends and significant others. When auditory atrocities aren’t pouring forth from the karaoke bar, Sims might wander onto the street itself to enjoy the peculiar sights of GeekCon or maybe even find love at the Romance Festival.

Uptown - The final district, and one which has a truly breathtaking view with some wonderful high-rise options for Sims who have the bankroll to spare. Uptown is the home of the gym & rooftop lounge, and it’s also the final destination for Sims who have risen to the top of their career and now wish to rise to the top of the skyline.  

The Sims 4: City Living screenshot concept art Fashion District

We’ve never made a world like San Myshuno. It’s jam packed with diverse and exciting people, new activities like festivals, and venues that’ll entertain Sims otherwise cramped in their small starter apartments. Your Sims will want to move to San Myshuno the second it’s open, which is this November!

*Requires The Sims 4 game (sold separately) and all game updates to play.

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