Producer Blogs: Whee! Check out the Lawn Water Slide in The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff

You remember using lawn water slides, right? You run, you jump, you slide, you get wet – they're a blast! And in The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff*, they're making a big splash with fun for the whole family.
Lawn water slides are a classic outdoor activity in The Sims... plus, they’re just plain fun. In The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff, Sims can enjoy themselves by sliding, or they can show off by performing tricks that others nearby will watch and cheer for. No matter their selection, there’s a wide variety of moves your Sims choose from when they take a running start and throw themselves down the slippery surface. If you also own The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion Pack*, you can even add a new Club rule to direct your Sims to partake in this new watery fun!
Sliding tricks are quite impressive when executed properly, but if your Sim’s Skill is too low it can lead to some cringe-inducing failures. There’s one that looks particularly painful when they face-plant, leading to their legs flipping up over their head and... well, let's just say it doesn't look all that pleasant. That said, once they’ve raised their Fitness Skill (or Motor Skill for kids), they’ll be pulling off tricks like champs. I especially like the dexterity they show when balancing upright in a surfing pose for the full length of the slide, their momentum propelling them right off the far end. A different trick has them lay down in a suave pose… it may not require as much finesse, but Sims sure look cool doing it.
Of course the lawn water slide comes with great options as well, which starts with which slide you decide to spend your simoleons on. You could go with the basic slide (which has a number of colourful patterns), or select the fearsome Jaws of Death slide (complete with an oversized shark head that requires your Sim to speed past razor sharp teeth).
Alright, it isn’t that scary – after all, there is a big waterfall spraying out of the shark’s mouth that creates a huge splash when passing through! There’s also an option to add soap to your slide, causing all the jets to spray out foamy bubbles. Not only does it look like a good time, but the bubbles actually cling to your Sims afterwards. It all adds to the fun of playing in the backyard!
When it comes time for your Sims to rest – perhaps with a refreshing lemonade from the new drink pitcher – the lawn water slide becomes unobtrusive. While not in use, Sims can walk right across it so that it won’t get in your way.
You’re sure to have a blast reveling in the silly antics of your Sims as they slip, slide, and occasionally flop their way down the lawn water slide in The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff, now available!
Looking to learn more about recent updates to The Sims 4? Check out the Jealousy Reaction System updates, and learn about the updates to Gender Customisation.
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