
The Sims - News

Every month we update you with what's happening in The Sims community, be sure check for the update on The home page!

Thanks to those who joined us in our chat with Will! For those who missed out
read the transcripts.

Two new fun house tracks extend the possibilities in your copy of Makin' Magic.

Download Fun House Track 4x1 (347k)
Download Fun House Track Loop (1.1Mb)

We love to see our Sims in the funnies. In the strip PVP, skins was the topic.

Read the comic.

Superstar, heartthrob, actor, NPC... He's all that and he's yours for download into your copy of Superstar.

Download Freddie Prinze Jr. NPC (222Kb)

You'll have to pick up the magazine at the newsstands to read it, but to give you a taste, "The Sims Makin’ Magic is jam-packed with cool content, quirky humor, and the most polished game-play of the entire series."

We will be conducting consumer research on the evenings of Monday, December 8, and Tuesday, December 9, in Sunnyvale, California.

Read More

Due to the holiday weekend here in Maxis Land, there will be no chat event this Thursday. But don’t worry, starting next week we will be back with some great guest speakers lined up for the month of December.

The last in the Makin' Magic wallpaper series, features Bella, Mortimer and family working their suburban magic.

Take me to the download.

The Sims Makin' Magic

If you haven't found it elsewhere, get it here! With the Desktop Gnome, you'll get:

  • The latest on spellcasting!
  • Gameplay tips & strategy!
  • Cool videos and downloads!
  • Magical clues and quizzes!

I want the gnome (2.48mb).



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