The pattern in the pink house
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October 7, 2012 - 01:44am

Author's Note:
These screens are from a (mid-century) modern house I created in 2010. Due to corrupt saves I lost this house. I had a pattern on the walls in that house and I couldn't remember where it came from. Eventually I learned that the pattern was from the Ultra Lounge store set. Well I do own this set, actually I bought the entire (full) set. But somehow in the full set the pattern isn't listed in the Create a Style catalog. Stupid right? But I found it by saving it from an ultra lounge object that was using the pattern. Now I can try to recreate this house!
I can't recover the house but I sure can recover the user presets!

About Rosana
Webmiss of SNW. I've been playing The Sims since 2000.
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