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Crazy Faces

Crazy Face

Don't Fall Marii

Lets do some mats

Chilling Home Sweet home
Liefs Marii

Ff oefenen met voetballen

Studeren moet ook gebeuren

Maar is soms ook vermoeiend
Marii is nog lang niet uitgekeken op de universiteit

I wish you all a healthy and good 2014

love the stars

There it goes

Waiting for the BOOM

Hello There unicorn


Spin around in cirkles

Love this
How to use the Stories
Everyone with an account can upload stories! All you have to do is Create a Story. Once you have created your story, you can Create a Chapter and start uploading your files! Your stories and chapters will appear on your Account page as well. And did you know people can comment on your stories?
The guidelines are simple:
- The limit is 5 story updates per day.
- Keep the stories viewable and readable for all ages.
- Be nice when you leave a comment.
We reserve the right to remove your stories, chapters and comments. The stories are moderated.