

What are you doing Nad? Just here...chilling with the party gnomes...

SimGuruRusskii tweeted this picture of her Sim and some party gnomes! Happy 15th birthday The Sims!

The Sims just announced on Facebook and Twitter that they are going to announce something big tomorrow. I have no idea what it is. Ahhhh!

Which outfit would your Sim wear to a party this summer?

Where will your Sims WooHoo first in #TheSims4?

What will your Sims favourite dance move be?

I don't see the smustle haha! I am curious if the Sims can actually dance like this though. If they can, I'd love to see A!

What is your Sim grilling this 4th of July? #TheSims4

Saw this on the Dutch Facebook page. Yet another render of that tiki bar.

The German Facebook page has shared another screen from The Sims 4.

Cornstalks as outdoor décor (forum request) along with 2 other new items from the Old Mill set! #BrunchAtTheOldMill

When your Sim wants to go out, what kind of shoes do they wear?

Who wants this gorgeous lot (by the crazy talented SimGuruKitty) uploaded to the exchange on Old Mill released day?

Look what’s making it’s L-Shaped return soon! #BringingSexyBack

How many Sims could you squeeze in for a house party in #TheSims4?

Here's a new screenie! Posted by the French official Sims Twitter.

What a cozy little place to meet for tea. #BrunchAtTheOldMill

It's a beautiful day! Go outside and hang with friends or stay inside and play The Sims? #TheSims4

Silly question. Play The Sims of course!

Which of these Sims would you want as your neighbors? #TheSims4

How flirty are your Sims?

Be Proud in The Sims 4!

Which do you prefer, Willow Creek during the day, or night?



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