
SimGuru Blogs

SimGuruTaterTot has written a blog about the upcoming world Aurora Skies.

My favorite thing about Aurora Skies? Hands down? The northern lights (or Aurora Borealis to some).  If you have any cloud cover at night in Aurora Skies – you’ll see the northern lights. The more clouds in the sky – the brighter it looks -- up to a certain point! Thick, stormy clouds won't show the northern lights. If you watch the skies long enough, you’ll notice that it’ll change colors as well.

Hi Simmers!

Thanks again for joining us on January 8 for The Sims Live Broadcast where we officially announced The Sims 3 University Life! For those of you who missed it, you may watch the archived recording here . We're thrilled to see all your eager comments and excitement on the forums and we know you have lots of questions for this upcoming EP. Last week, I tackled SimGuruArgus to get him to answer as many of your questions posted in our thread as possible. He thought you all had some really great questions and he's posted the responses below.


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