
The Sims 4 - Specials

De kunstcollectie van het museum bestaat uit kunst uit de gemeenschap en kunst van wereldberoemde kunstenaars. Hier kun je zien dat het bijna altijd wel een goed idee is om kunst aan de muur te laten, enkele uitzonderingen daargelaten.



  • Wasbak (1)
  • Afvalverwerking (1)
  • Toilet (1)
  • Muurdecoraties (10)
  • Beeld (5)
  • Schildersezel (1)

I've collected a few frequently asked questions about downloads in The Sims 4 and made an overview for you guys! Hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any more questions, please contact me at the SNW Lounge forums.


How do I install your Sims 4 downloads?

Today is a big day for The Sims™ 4. We're excited to announce the biggest update for The Sims 4 to date, and it comes in a surprisingly “little” package. Toddlers* are available as a free update for you to download into your game right now! 

We recently released a free Update for The Sims 4, and the hawk-eyed among you will probably notice a few new objects and items. Well, it’s time for another fun holiday challenge, this time to mark Day of the Dead!

A couple of days ago The Sims Studio released new DLC in the latest patch. I decided to take a bunch of screenshots to show the new content. So beware, the post is screenshot heavy!

Seeing as it isn't October yet, the new challenge hasn't started yet, so I can't show everything just yet! Please come back later for additional screenshots and information!


New hairdo for women:

Update: 09/27/2016 – PC Version / Mac Version

Afternoon, Morning, and Evening Simmers!

…in that exact order (but only if you are traveling West)

We have just a quick content add for you, so without ado of a furthering type…

…the New Stuff

Some new assets for your Sims to celebrate the Day of the Dead!

Update: 08/16/2016 – PC Version / Mac Version

Happy August Simmers!

We’d like to share a couple of small this and that’s with you…

To start off with, a new…

Sims can now customize their cell phone covers!

Open up your Sims cell phone menu by clicking on the phone in the bottom left (just under your Sims portrait). At the top of the phone menu is a Change Phone Cover Color button. You can choose from over a dozen colors and patterns for your phone to give your Sim that extra bit of flair.

Update: 07/26/2016 - PC Version Mac Version


  • The Nanny can no longer grant immortality.

Backyard Stuff

  • The Lawn Slide wormhole has been fixed for Intel HD graphics adapters.

Update: 07/18/2016 – PC Version / Mac Version

  • Fixed long load times on startup when many screenshots are saved

Update: 07/14/2016 – PC Version / Mac Version

Hello Sim fans, Simmers, Simians, and Simsters,

We have a couple of new bits of this and that…

Nannies have arrived!

The nanny is now available to hire from the phone (Hire a Service, in the Career/Household menu). The nanny will take care of your little ones when you don’t have time to… they will play, mentor, and care for their needs.



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